- Chapter 4: Damn right, you're old! -

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- Aria's Pov -

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- Aria's Pov -

I open my eyes groaning at the pain pounding in my head, but i sit up in shick when i notice i'm in my bedroom. How the hell did i get here?. All i remember is a vampire saying that he's my dad, and then everything went black, which means i fainted. To top everything off, i have two mates that are also vampires, and i have no idea how to feel about the whole thing. I'm scared that i have dreamed the whole thing, and i really hope i haven't because i have been waiting for the day i meet my father. I need to go to the Cullen's to make sure i didn't dream the whole thing, and with that thought, i get up and go to the bathroom for a shower to start my day.

Once i finish in the shower, i get dressed and do my hair (outfit above). I put on my locket and then go downstairs to the kitchen only to see three people cooking. One had long blonde, almost white hair, and the other two people were twins from yesterday, but i have no idea who the first person is and why they're all in my house.

"Who are you? What the hell are you doing in my house?" I asked coldly, which makes them look at me

"We are Jane and Alec Volturi, babe." The blonde twin who i now know is Jane said with a soft smile

"I am your uncle Caius." the older blonde vamp said softly with a smile

"We are here because after you fainted, we brought you home and wanted to stay with you to make sure you are okay." Alec said with a small smile

"Is it just you three?" I asked nervously

"No, sweetheart, your dad, uncle Marcus, and the other two guards are here. They're in the reading room." Caius said while turning back around to continue to cook

"Oh god, have they broke anything?. Please tell me they put my books back where they got them from." I said, slightly panicking

"Aria, please calm down, Felix and Demetri haven't broken anything because both of them have their noses stuck in two books that they haven't read before, which is something that doesn't happen very often." He said with his back to me

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