- Chapter 10: Took you long enough -

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- Aria's Pov -

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- Aria's Pov -

I jump over Jasper, landing gracefully on the ground behind him, then kick the back off his knees and watch as he falls to the ground on his knees. I quickly hold his head in a headlock as tight as i can with my nightwalker strength and watch cracks start to appear around his porcelain neck. After a couple of seconds, he taps my arm with a chuckle, and i hear Alice cheering me on instead of Jasper like the cheerleader she is. It makes me smile as i release my hold on Jasper because i might have just been fighting against her mate, but she didn't attack me to protect him. She trusted me completely, and i respect her more for trusting me like this because i know it must have been hard for her not to jump to defend Jasper. I help Jasper up to his feet, and in a flash, i'm being hugged by Alec and Jane, who are literally sandwiching me in between them. I cuddle into them, enjoying their scents that have become like a drug to me only to get interrupted by the one and only Bella.

"How the hell did you know how to fight!" She practically yelled in shock, and i swear to go. She doesn't know how to speak without yelling

"Charlie and some very good friends of mine taught me because they wanted to make sure i was safe and could protect myself." I said, smiling at Charlie

"All those all day work outs with your friends and midnight workouts with me after work have paid off, huh?" He said with pride in his eyes

"Yeah, they did, but i hated the lack of sleep. Don't get me started on the all day work outs! I just wanted to sit down and read, but noooo they had other ideas." I said sadly

"I hope the pack rips you apart bitch!" Bella snapped making me look at everyone confused

"No they won't because i went to Billy's last night and explained everything to him then he told the pack and i even showed them a photo of Aria so they don't attack her now they are extremely excited to meet our little tribrid." Charlie said glaring Bella who steps back in shock

"Thank you Charlie i really didn't want to be wolf food after finding my mates." I said with a smile

"I hope they do eat you!" Bella screamed at me

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