- Chapter 13: I didn't hurt you right?⛔️⚠️ -

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⛔️⚠️- Warning Mature Content -⚠️⛔️

- Alec's Pov -

It has been a couple days since Aria got hurt me and Jane were furious that she got hurt, we were that furious we had to go and hunt for a few hours leaving her alone with her son having much needed mother and son time. Jane and I didn't want to lose control of our inner beast, especially with everything she had already gone through, and she shouldn't see us lose control. That isn't a pretty sight seen. All we do when losing control is drink blood continuously until our beasts have calmed down, and that is something our innocent mate shouldn't see. I didn't want Aria's son to see us like that either because i hope that me and Jane would be some what important people in his life may be even some people to look up to in our supernatural world. I know we won't be his parents, but being the people he would define important and for him to look up to would mean the world to me and Jane.

On the first day after the fight me and Jane decided to have one day each with Aria to treat her like the princess she is and to show her how much she means to us. Jane went first she basically pampered Aria all day it was nice to see my sister like that, especially when i am used to seeing her being cold and emotionless, but now she is happy and full of emotion. Then yesterday was my day, it was great. We sat on the bed in her room and watched movies all day and most of the night while she ate as many snacks as she could. She only fell asleep a couple hours ago just as everyone else left to go on their hunt since they haven't had a good hunt since the fight and they didn't want to risk vamping out infront of Aria who is slightly human after all.

Aria has her head on my chest with one of my arms wrapped tightly but gently around her waist, not wanting to hurt her ribs that have only just healed. I leaned sideways slightly so i could see her face only to see her eyes start to flutter open, and soon enough, my blood red eyes met her stormy grey ones, and i was a goner. She's just so beautiful, and i swear she already has me wrapped around her fingers because i will do anything and everything for her. She is everything Jane and I wanted in a mate and so much more. I don't know what i would do without her in my immortal life, and i know Jane feels the same. Suddenly, in a blink of an eye, she is on top of me straddling my lap, and i couldn't hold back my groan at the sight of her on top of me.

"Good morning, handsome." She said then bites her lip, and i groan, wanting to bite her lip myself

"Good morning, gorgeous." I said huskily

"I-I want to try something, but i'm nervous." She said, fiddling with her fingers

"You can try whatever you want to try, my love. You don't have to be nervous." I said softly

"R-Really?" She stutters out, tilting her head

"Yes, really. I won't take control or even move. This is all about what you want, my love." I said honestly

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