- Chapter 5: Demetri put the trash down! -

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- Aria's Pov -

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- Aria's Pov -

Alec stopped mine and Aros little moment by picking me up holding me bridle style, and then everyone runs to the Cullen's place, which obviously didn't take long thanks to their vamp speed. After a few seconds we are walking into the cullens house like we owned the damn place, and i wanted to be put down so i could join their badass walk. I want to shock the hell out of the Cullen's when we all walk into their living room, but Alec won't put me down, which is making me pout. When Alex walks into the living room, all the Cullen's, and, of course, Bella, look at us wide-eyed, making me roll my eyes at them. Did they really think my family would knock on the front door and wait to be let inside because they would never happen. Alec sits me down next to Jane on the couch then he sits down next to me and i look around wanting to know if i didn't see anyone only to gasp when i see dad i mean Charlie leaning on the balcony door frame.

"Hi, dad." I said, feeling like i am hurting Aro by calling Charlie dad

"Hi sweetheart, don't feel bad about calling me dad, if you want to call me Charlie now you can i won't mind. I know how much you have wanted to find him and now you have." He said softly

"He is right dear, don't feel bad. He is your father just as much as i am. He raised you when i couldn't, so if you want to call him dad too, then go ahead and we won't think of you any differently." Dad said softly

"Come on, can we get this over with all ready." Bella whined out

"Isabella, enough because, daughter or not, i will let the volturi kill you. I will not let you disrespect royalty or Aria anymore. I also know Aria's special friends would love to kill you since they have begged me multiple times to give them permission to kill your disrespectful ass." Charlie snapped out

"Are they okay? Did you call them? Is he okay?" I fired question after question

"They are perfectly okay, and your special someone is doing great. They said get ready for a surprise." He said with a smile

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