- Chapter 23: Thanks to you, Aria. -

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- Aria's Pov -

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- Aria's Pov -

After Carlisle gave the baby's a medical check, i let Rosalie, Alice, and Esme take the three other babies into the orphanage to get them settled in. They instantly went into mother mode and started to fuss over the babies and cuddle them, making me smile. They would make amazing parents when they are ready or when they find their soul child. Me, dad, Demetri, and Ashton make our way to the castle at human speed, not wanting to risk hurting the babies with our vamp speed. Demetri and Ashton stayed by our side with big smiles on their faces, and i know Ashton is in big brother mode, wanting to keep his new siblings safe.

The whole time i was cooeing at my new son and daughter in my arms, i could hear dad doing the same with my new sister, making me smile because now dad has another purpose to stay alive. When we walked into the castle, we didn't stop for no one, and when other vamps got too close to us, Ashton let out a murderous growl, making them back away with wide-eyes. I hurried to the throne room with dad hot on my tail because i knew my mates would be there doing their guard duty, which i told them they didn't need to do anymore. Ashton and Demetri follow us, staying close, both growling or giving death glares at anyone that gets too close.

I used my powers to throw the throne doors open which made all the guards jump but my mates and the Mikaelson's don't move a muscle they just look at me then look at the babies in my arms. I smile at them as i walk to the thrones only for uncle Caius to get off his throne and help me sit down where he was previously sat then Ashton and Demetri stand either side of me like guard dogs. Dad sits on his throne, making sure his movements are soft and gently not to wake up the baby in his arms, and then he waves my mates over. They vamp speed over and stand directly in front of me with their eyes locked on our son and daughter. Not once did they take their eyes off them, not even once. Ashton and Demetri didn't even growl either, which wasn't surprising since they knew Jane and Alec meant no harm to me or the babies.

"Ours!" They both hiss out with a smile on their faces

"Our son and daughter, Jaylee's amd Ashton's brother and sister. We have another son and daughter. My loves, our family just got bigger." I said softly while caressing his cheek

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