- Chapter 11: Of course we can help. -

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- Aria's Pov -

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- Aria's Pov -

I only got a couple of hours' sleep last night for two reasons. The first thing is that i don't need much sleep now. i have unlocked my cold one side. The second reason is i told the Mikaelson family, Damon, and Ashton everything about what was going to happen today. That talk ended up with them saying they're fighting with us because they won't let me fight without them. I have this feeling something is going to go wrong, and i don't know what or who will get hurt, but i know someone will, and it's annoying me. Before i thoughts could continue Jane appears in my room only to pick me up and vamp speeds me down to the kitchen where i had to have atleast two blood bags because they all wanted me to have the added strength feeding can give me. Ashton and Klaus made me eat a big plate of breakfast and a big cup of coffee to satisfy my human side so i won't be hungry and grumpy during the fight because they don't like it when i'm grumpy.

Once i eaten and drank everything, dad ushers me to go get dressed, asking me to make sure it's something comfortable enough to fight in (outfit above). After i got dressed, we all vamp speed the the field to meet the Cullen's, and my nervousness grew more and more the closer we got to the field. Jane and Alec held my hand the entire way, giving me the comfort i needed right now while Ashton and Klaus ran behind me. I know my mates, son, and Klaus know something is wrong, but i'm not going to tell them about this feeling in case it's nothing but me being my normal anxious self.

We purposely wanted to get here after them to give them time to talk to the wolves before we got there so there won't be any attacks on us because of who we are. When we get there the Cullen's minus Edward are in the middle of the field and i feel sorry for Edward being stuck on top of that mountin with Bella because she will be none stop talking to him about turning. I don't hug anyone or even go near the Cullen's. I stay with my family because this could be the last time i could be with around them, but that's only if something goes south. I will try with everything in my power to protect everyone because i can not lose anyone, especially my son and mates.

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