- Chapter 19: Sleep then talk got it -

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- Aria's Pov -

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- Aria's Pov -

I keep my hands and head on the wall, letting myself calm down because i don't want to scare Jaylee since that alone is my own fear. I don't ever want her to be afraid of me. In fact, i want her to feel safe and protected around me. There is no one in this world that would hurt her because i would kill them before they get a chance to hurt her. I know Ashton will set this whole world on fire to keep his new sister safe from harm due to his overprotective nature. After a while, i feel myself calm down enough to remove my head from the wall and drop my hands to my side. I hear gasps and a giggle behind me, so i turn around. What i see makes venom gather in my eyes as i gasp in shock and surprise because i never expected this. There in front of me in my living room are my mates who are both down on one knee with our daughter and Ashton in the middle of them. Ashton isn't kneeling he is standing beside Jaylee watching her every move, ready to jump into action. Jaylee is down on one of her tiny knees with a cheeky smile on her face while holding a small box in her hand that has two gorgeous rings.

"Love, i know this isn't romantic, but in this moment, it's the right time to show you and tell you that you are everything to us, especially after you protected our daughter without a second thought. The way you put Bella in her place we know you are the one for us to keep us in our place and to love us with out even thinking about it just like we love you with all our hearts. We want you to be our wife for all eternity. You are our amazing mate, princess, and the mother to our daughter Jaylee and stepson Ashton." Jane said with a hundred watt smile

"You have shown us that we are not the monsters other people make us out to be and the monsters we thought we were. You have brought us out of the darkness and made us see the light you darling are our light in that horrible darkness. You gave us the chance to show you we love you, gave us the chance to be parents, and gave us the chance to prove we are not those monstrous witch twins. All we can hope is that you will give us many more chances and maybe we can have many more children with you and be happy with you. Darling, you are our anchor, our reason for existence. we will love you for eternity if you let us." Alec said with an even bigger smile

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