- Chapter 17: Change things for the better. -

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- Aria's Pov -

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- Aria's Pov -

It has been two days since Jayless has been in our lives and boy has it been eventful the first night we put her down as a baby but in the morning we went to wake her up only to find her looking like a two year old. It shocked and scared me, yet i know Charlie said she would grow quickly, but i wasn't expecting her to grow that rapidly overnight. I didn't expect her to grow this rapidly because Ashton didn't grow this rapidly, and i stupidly didn't prepare myself for her to grow the way she did. All day yesterday, she just kept shocking me over and over again because she started talking, walking, and even playing with some of the toys Alice had got her. So it wasn't just her growth that's rapid it's everything and i could see that Carlisle wanted to do some test to see how it's possible for her to grow so much physically and mentally but me, Jane, Alec amd Ashton shut that down immediately because we will not let him treat her like some lab rat.


I snap out my thoughts when i hear Jaylee shouting, sounding absolutely petrified. I quickly put down the plate of pancakes and run upstairs at vamp speed and into her room. I was expecting the worst, but no, i saw her in the middle of her bed holding the lamb teddy Jane had got her yesterday. She is cuddling it while giving it nose kisses, and i couldn't help but awe at the sight suddenly. I feel a gust of wind next to me and see dad stood there. He awes at the sight just like i did then he gets his phone out and takes multiple photos with a big smile on his face and i knew then that our little Jaylee would have her grandpa wrapped round her finger just like Ashton has.

 He awes at the sight just like i did then he gets his phone out and takes multiple photos with a big smile on his face and i knew then that our little Jaylee would have her grandpa wrapped round her finger just like Ashton has

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