- Chapter 14: This ends now! -

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- Aria's Pov -

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- Aria's Pov -

I groaned at Jane's words because why the hell would they come here with Bella, especially when they witnessed what happened the last time we were in the same room together. I swear to lucifer himself if Bella starts her shit again, i will kill her without regrets, and i know my mates will help me kill her ass. Hell, my son will probably help me too because he has hated Bella since he found out how she treated me. I snap out my thoughts when i see Alec vamp speeds out the wardrobe, grumbling about how the Cullen's and blood bag had to come and ruin his time with me, which made me giggle. In a blink of a human eye Jane comes over to me and did my hair in a simple hairstyle then she passed me a blood bag to drink while sayinf how i need to strength to deal with Isabella's plain ass. I drank the blood bag while watching Jane pick out an outfit for me to wear, and i couldn't help but smile. When i saw what she picked, it was something simple and comfortable.

When i finished the blood bag i quickly get dressed (Outfit above) then Jane links her arm through mine and we vamp speed downstairs only to see dad, Caius, marcus, felix, Demetri, Alec, The Mikaelson family, Damon and Ashton stood near the fire. All of them are looking angrily at Bella but Alec looks more pissed then anyone else probably because he is still angry that out time got cut short. Bella is sat on the couch sulking, which did not suit her at all because she is literally sat there with her arms crossed looking down at the floor. I see the Cullen family are sat on the other couch that is opposite Bella and all of them have black coloured eyes as they glare at Bella. I ignore everyone as i go over to stand infront of the fire with Jane who still has her arm linked with mine then Alec comes over and stands the other side of me grabbing my hand linking our fingers together.

"Why are you here." I said not wanting to beat around the bush

"Me and my family want to see if you are healed up and Edward wanted to see his sister but Bella over heard this while she was begging for us to turn her and she ended up following us." Carlisle said as he glared at Bella

"We are sorry if we over stepped princess." Esme said softly while she too glares at Bella with displeasure shining in her eyes

"Oh for fuck sake Bella they are not going to turn you no matter how bad you beg them too. My dad will not change his mind about you not being turned because you're not Edward's mate you're just his bloodsinger. Get your head out your ass and stop harassing them! Go find some other poor soul to deal with your desperate ass!" I hiss at her full of rage

"She is right Isabella i will not change my mind you are lucky i am letting you live at all. You should have been killed knowing about our kind but because Charlie raised my daughter when i couldn't i spared your life to repay his kindness. You should be grateful that you are still alive" Dad said coldly

She gets off the couch and storms towards me and my mate's but we don't move because surely she can't be stupid enough to do anything. Well one i am the biological daughter of Aro Volturi the king of vampire's and two she is in a room full of two different species of vampire's. She finally gets to us and stands right infront of me with a glare and i saw her clench her fist i knew instantly what she was going to do. I didn't stop her because it gives me a chance to beat her ass in defence so i use my power's to try and see if i can talk to dad telepathically.

"Dad whatever Bella does do not get involved" I said in his head making him jump and i had to bite my cheek to stop myself from laughing

"Jesus dear you gave me a fright. Okay i will signal the others to stand down but i don't know if your mates will listen and may i say your powers are magnificent." He thought loudly

"Ashton do not react to anything Bella is about to do! I mean it son do not react." I warned Ashton in his head knowing he will jump to my defence

I exited his mind not saying anything further i just nodded at him as i see dad signal all my family to stand down and they looked confused but listened to dad still looking confused. I look at Bella and smirked which definitely ticked her off because she punched me straight in the nose which broke but my healing kicked it straight away healing it with a crunch and a crack. I could smell and feel blood rolling down my lips and chin stupid human half of me making me bleed even it was only for a split second. All that can be heared is every vampire snarl at what she did making her freeze with wide eyes making me smirk at her because now i get a chance to beat her ass now.

"How dare you!" Ashton yells and I sigh because he is definitely still protective over me

"Oh you're dead now." Damon said smirking

"Big mistake Bella did you forget she is the god damn princess i hope she beats your ass!" Rosalie hissed with a smirk on her face

"Shut your mouth whore!" Bella yelled at her

I watch as venom filled Rosalie's eyes as her eyes go glazed over and Emmett pulled her to his chest hugging her tightly giving her the comfort she needs. I know her story about how she turned about all the pain she went through so hearing Bella call her a whore made me finally snap. I let out a murderous snarl making Bella jump in fear and saw my family even my mates back away from me but not in fear. They stepped back to give me some room to not risk anything because they know i don't want to hurt them since i am classed as a newborn after all.

"You do not get to call her a whore! You know nothing about her, Rosalie is the strongest vampire i know. She has the strength to carry on with this life after all her dreams were taking from her because of one vile excuse of a human being. You want to fight then bring it on you stuck up, attention seeking, selfish bitch! No-one hurts the people i care about and no-one calls Rosalie a fucking whore!" I yelled in her face as i heard Rosalie dry sob which made me more angry

"Aria -"

"No Klaus, This ends now!" I said to him feel my anger grow

I see her raise her hand to punch me again but before her fist could connect with my face i caught it in my hand. I smirk at her and it wasn't my normal smirk it was a evil one that makes her shiver with fear. It's time to beat the bitch that thinks she is above everyone when in fact she is just a blood bag. I am going to show her what happens when i hear someone call Rosalie a whore and she isn't going to enjoy it at all!. This is what i have wanted to do for years now.



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