- Chapter 16: I think it's perfect -

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- Aria's Pov -

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- Aria's Pov -

I have been standing here glaring at Edward for the past twenty minutes, and my mates have been glaring at him, too. Ashton, on the other hand, is clenching and unclenching his fist as he glares at Edward. I want to know how the hell this is possible because one Edward is my soul brother and two our baby girl would be his niece. What the fuck was the fates thinking pairing my soul brother and my now adopted daughter together. I hear Jane asking the Cullen's for their help to get everything a baby, toddler and child will need. All the Cullen's except Edward leave after agreeing to help with big smiles on their faces. My eyes do not leave Edward's while his eyes won't leave our daughter's. I understand how important a mate bond is obviously but i don't know how this is all going to go work out. Plus he thought freaking Bella was his mate and now we are going to have to deal with a jealous ass bitch when she finds out. The whole Bella situation is getting to much for me and in a matter of time i know i will end up killing Bella. Just so my daughter can be safe and can be with her mate which so happened to be my soul brother. God that sounds weird when i say that in my head it will sound even weirder when i say it out loud.

"I don't get it, Edward is my soul brother so how the hell is our daughter his mate?" I blurted out in shock

"Dear it's simple your not this little one's birth mother so your soul ties do not count at this moment so right now Edward is not her uncle she is not his niece, they are mates. He will be by her side watching her grow up until she is old enough to know about all this but as soon as you get pregnant he will step into his uncle role." Uncle Marcus said i could tell he shortened it so i would understand it better

"Love i know it's a shock but the mate bond is a powerful thing we can not stop it only support it." Jane said while caressing our sleeping daughter cheeks and i hand our daughter over to Jane

"She's right, as much as i hate this we can't stop it." Ashton said clenching his fists

"Edward i will not stop you being with our daughter when she is older but please use this time to watch her grow, create a bond with her and for the love of god you need to mature during the time she grows up. You need to learn to listen to Carlisle and follow his orders because he knows what is best for the coven so you need to learn that. Also you hurt our baby we will kill you!" I said as i walk over to him and by the time i'm i finish talking i'm face to face with him

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