- Chapter 18: Face your consequences -

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- Aria's Pov -

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- Aria's Pov -

There is just one thought running through my head as my house comes into view, and that thought is, i hope Bella doesn't try to hurt Jaylee. If she does try something i will not think twice about killing the bitch slowly and painfully as possible while loving her screams of pain. When we get back to my house we walk in and go straight into the livingroom only to see everyone plus the Cullen's sat around talking among themselves. Charlie is sat on watching baseball which is normal for him then there's dad who is laying on the floor colouring with Jaylee. The rest of us walk over and stand infront of the fireplace where Felix chose this moment to drop Bella onto the floor making her scream in pain as she lands which makes the Cullen's look at her in disapproval. Everyone else just glared at her only for Bella to start crying and look at Charlie who didn't even look at her he is just as fed up as we are. I don't get why she thinks that crying will stop us from giving her hell for what she has caused us and the pack, her crying definitely will not get her out of this punishment after all we did warn her.

"Dad help me, stop them please." Bella pleaded to Charlie who just glares at her then looks away, dad must have told him what happened

"No Isabella i told you that i would not step in the way of royalty. You did this now you live with the consequences." He said as he looked at me and nodded his head giving me the go ahead

"No please dad, Edward don't let them do this!" She cried with a yell making Jayless cover her little ears with a little hiss which caught Bella's attention

"What the hell is that!" She spits out making me, Jane, Alec and Ashton growl at her

"Jaylee, baby come here." Jane cooed softly

"Okay, Mama." She said as she dropped her pens then she ran over and jumped in Jane's arms

"That is mine, Alec and Aria's daughter you better stay away from her during your time here or you will get a far more worse punishment!" Jane hissed out protective

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