- Chapter 3: My little Aria -

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- Aro's Pov -

There in front of me is my daughter, my princess, who i was told was dead by a nomad vampire, but she has been in Forks the entrie time. I should have checked to make sure the information given was correct because then my little Aria would have been raised with me and her uncles. I feel like such a bad father for not searching for her or raising her, and i should have done all those things. I want to tear that nomad vampire apart for what he is caused by his lies, but sadly, Caius already did that ten years ago. I can't take my eyes off her because she looks just like i did before i was turned, and she even has my old eye colour, but she has her mother's nose and height. I won't let anyone hurt my little princess, and she will never go without me again because i refuse to leave her.

Suddenly, i see her eyes roll into the back of her head, and i watch as she falls to the floor, but before i could even move, the twins catch her. In a blink of an eye, they are sat on the couch side by side with an unconscious Aria lying over their laps. I rush over to them and then hold my little princesses face in my hands, wanting to feel the warmth of her skin so i know she is okay. That's when my ability kicks in, and i see every thought she has had and every memory she has, but what i see makes me feel sick for the first time since i was turned. Once it's over, i caress her cheek, then vamp speed in front of Isabella and snarl in her face, which makes her shrike in fear. How dare she try to kill my daughter multiple times and call my daughter those things, those vile horrendous things when all Aria has done is be there for her!. I know she only called Aria those things because she was told about Aria's adoption but it is still not an excuse to treat someone so horribly!.

"Brother, what is it?" Caius asked curiously

"He probably saw all the memories of all the times i tried to kill Aria and tell her that she sn't a Swan, she is a unwanted baby that was left on my dad's door step that should have died. That she is nothing buta stupid money hungry whore that should just be drained dry." Isabella said with a shrug of her shoulders

"Yet you're stupid enough to say that infront of us who will gladly drain you dry?" Demetri said crossing his arms

"Bella!" Esme gasped in shock

"What it's true!" She whined out

"You're emotions are giving away your own lies Bella. You're feeling resentful, angry and jealous. I have no idea why you would say such hurtful things to a girl who looks like she deserves the world." Jasper said glaring at Isabella

"That is not true Isabella Swan!, and you know it. You're behaviour has been way out a line for years and i will no longer roll over and let this continue. This stops now or you will be going back to your mothers and i will not let you move back here." A man said walking in, looking at Isabella in disappointment. I recognise him from my princessess memories he is Charlie Swan Isabella's father, and Aria's adopted father

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