- Chapter 2: The vampire twins -

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- Aria's Pov -

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- Aria's Pov -

When i finish my book and finally send it to my editor, i find myself sitting yet again sitting on my front door, step drinking another coffee. I do all my thinking sitting here because i always feel calm, and it's peaceful looking out into the woods. This is how i spend most of my days, and i love it because being alone is something that i'm have been used to for years. Dad would never have time for me, but he did try multiple times to make time for me, yet something always came up at work. He would ask if i wanted to join him at the police station, but i declined so many times because I and crowded places don't go well together. When i'm alone, i don't have to worry about someone seeing me use my powers, and i can concentrate on my books better. All this alone time makes me wish i knew my birth family, and i did try to find them at seventeen, but i found nothing except my birth mother, who died and left me loads of inheritance money. I used some of that inheritance to build this cabin because i wanted to have a forever home. I gave up after finding nothing else, and it confused me to no end that there was nothing on my family. Not even on my dad's side. It's like he never existed or was born. It broke my heart that i couldn't find the people who i got my dna from. I know at some point in my life, i will find something, but right now, wasn't the time or destiny didn't want me to find them yet.

I snap out of my thoughts when i hear loud yelling coming from the Cullen's house, which is unusual because they have never argued or had one fight since i have moved here. I wonder what is going on, but i very high hopes that they are yelling because they're sick of Bella and want her to leave. I know for certain that will never happen because Bella has her hooks in them, and she wouldn't just let them abandon her again, but a girl can hope. Suddenly, Edward is in front of me, making me spit my coffee that was in my mouth all over the ground in front of me because this is the first time i have actually met him face to face since he moved here. I started to cough, thanks to some coffee going down the wrong hole, and once the coughing stopped, i wiped my mouth and placed the coffee cup next to me on the step. Then i look at Edward with one eyebrow raised, wanting to know why the hell he just appeared in front of me, only for him to look at me apologetic.

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