- Chapter 20: Time to get packed up to start a new. -

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- Aria's Pov -

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- Aria's Pov -

I walk downstairs, rubbing my eyes because i have just woken up after my couple hours sleep, and now i am ready for a big cup of coffee, some breakfast, and a blood bag. As i stepped into the kitchen, i smelled coffee and blood, which instantly had my mouthwaters at the smell. I look around, expecting Uncle Caius to be cooking only to see Jane and Alec stand there with smiles on their faces. I see that Jane is holding a big cup of coffee while Alec is holding a blood bag and a bowl of what looks like oatmeal with chopped fruits. Jane comes over and loops her arm with mine then leads me into the livingroom where i see dad, uncle Marcus, uncle Caius, the Cullen's and surprisingly Charlie sat around the livingroom watching the news as normal. Jane then pushes me down onto the couch and hands me my coffee only for it to be taken off me. Dad takes the blood bag from Alec and gestures for me to drink that first, which makes me groan, but i quickly drank it anyway, ate my oatmeal and fruit, and then took my time drinking my coffee.

"As much as i love being here to see Aria, i want to know why i was dragged here when all i wanted was to sleep." Charlie blurted out, making us all look at him

"After yesterday's events, we have decided to go back to Volterra, but obviously, we will not be leaving alone. Aria has decided she wants to follow us home, but she wants all of you to join her and Jaylee. She especially wants the Mikaelson's, Ashton, and Damon to join her." Dad said, smiling at me

"Before you all start shouting things, please just listen to what i have to say first. You all are welcome to come with us because when i get to the castle i am going to make some changes and the first change will be if a vampire wants to drink animal blood then we will not judge we will help in anyway we can. Also, if you do what to come with us, your family will not have to live in the castle. You can have your own house on the grounds, but i have one thing to ask of the Cullen family. I am going to open my own supernatural orphanage and i am wondering if Esme can help with the design, Alice can get anything we will need such as comfort things and anything else we will need with the Volterra covens credit card of course because i don't want you spending your own money, Rosalie i will need your help with seeing how many babies and kids need our help, Carlisle can do any medical check ups and if the boys can do some maintenance if needed. I'm only asking for you guys help because i don't trust anyone else with such a big project like this and i want your family to be some of the first faces the babies and kids see" I said my voice filled with hope

"Then i want to personally ask the Mikaelson's, Ashton, and Damon to help train everyone on our coven to be good fighters to protect the kids and babies in the orphanage. We don't know what will be thrown our way when we open the orphanage, and we don't want any of the children or babies being hurt." Dad said, looking directly at Klaus

I know this is alot to ask of them but they are the only family i can trust with something as big as this and i know when the babies and kids are around them they will feel comfortable just like i do around them. I just hope with me saying they can stick to their animal blood diet and can have their own house they will accept my plea for help because i seriously want them to help with this and to be apart of the Volturi family. Carlisle stood up and walked over to me, and i looked down, not wanting to see his face as he rejected everything i said. Suddenly, i see him kneel in front of me, and then i feel him gently take my hands in his. I look up, not knowing what the hell he is doing, but when my eyes meet his, i gasp. He has venom in his eyes that will never fall. He looks happy and shocked but not sad at all.

"I know me and your father have fought over the years, but he was and is my soul brother, which means you're my soul niece. I also know that my family and I would be honoured to come to Volterra and help you with the orphanage Aria. You're helping bring me and my soul brothers back together, and you are going to help the rest of the family get their independence back, so thank you." He said with a small smile

I watch Esme get off the couch and walk over, and then she kneels in front of me, taking one of my hands off Carlisle. The rest of the Cullen family walks over and stands directly behind her. All of them have big smiles on their faces, which makes me smile because i want them to be happy.

"You sweetheart are mending something that has been broke for so many years with that in mind we will do anything for you. You are now family to us and forever will be, which means we will follow you to the ends of the earth." She said with a soft smile

"Family sticks together Aria." Rosalie said with a hundred watt smile

"We will join you." Elijah said, nodding his head at me

"I will, too. I need to find myself a special lady." Damon said, smirking at me

"I will go wherever you go, mum." Ashton said, smiling at me

"When are we moving? i have so much shopping to do!!" Alice squeals bouncing on her feet

"In a couple of days, i think." Dad said with his own hundred watt smile

"Ria? Would you mind if i join you on the move?" Charlie asked, looking unsure in the corner of the living room

"Charlie, i was speaking to everyone in this room. You not being there would feel wrong, plus i will need your help running the orphanage." I said with a smile

"I better get home then so i can sort things out! You will not leave without me! Time to give some kids and babies their forever home!" He said happily then practically ran out my house

"You made him very happy, ma'am." Jasper said, standing in his usual military stance

"Jasper less of the ma'am your family now." I said, smirking

"Come on, kids, we better go home to sort everything out." Carlisle said, standing up and then kissing my forehead

"Time to get packed up to start a new." Emmett said as he pulled me up and crushed me in a bear hug



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