Meetings and Visions

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Emma's POV:

Going to North's after the final battle was something I had been procrastinating for awhile now. I didn't want to see his kind eyes or hear his understanding words but I needed to see how Jack had turned out and where he had gone. It was important to Manny. I glared at the moon.

"If this goes south, I blame you entirely." I stopped as I saw North's place come into view. I took a deep breath to prepare myself, and continued, gliding along just above the snow. I hated the cold even though I couldn't feel it. The memory of the ice and snow was enough to give me a distaste for everything that embodied winter. I came in through the window to the Globe room, hovering above and leaning against a pillar while I waited for North to make his rounds.

"You should have seen how excited the kids were North, they couldn't stop laughing!" I stopped as I heard a familiar voice. Well this makes my job a lot easier. North's booming laugh echoed around the room as he and Jack came into view. North spotted me immediately while Jack had his back to me.

"Emma! How are you? How is Manny?" Jack turned around and stopped, instantly giving me an odd look. I looked at North.

"I actually came to talk to him, and Manny's alright, I'm actually running errands for him today." I said, pointing at Jack.

"Me? Why me?" I looked at North, annoyed.

"You haven't told him yet?" He looked sheepish and scratched the back of his head.

"Told me what? Who are you?" I sighed and floated to a railing, patting the seat beside me. Jack hesitated.

"I don't bite, relax." He came over slowly and sat down.

"I'm Emma and I'm essentially Man in Moons right hand man..well...woman. I'm the Guardian of Fate. Everything that has ever come to pass or will come to pass, I've seen. Now, keep in mind that the future is subjective and is always bound to change based on people's decisions-"

"Wait wait wait. So YOU made me a Guardian?" I laughed.

"No, but I saw it would happen as soon as Manny made the choice to make you one." He looked deep in thought before a strange expression passed over his face.

"Who made me Jack Frost?" I stopped. Didn't he know this already?

"Man in the Moon." I said slowly. He looked at me for a long moment before asking.

"What happened to my sister?" I stopped. I knew this question was coming. One of the reasons I hadn't wanted to talk to Jack, one of the reasons why I was avoiding him for hundreds of years.

"I genuinely don't know. I would need to focus in on her, so I would need something of hers to see." He suddenly jumped up.

"Tooth! Let's go to Tooth's Palace and-" I put my hand up.

"Slow down. I have a lot on my plate. Like I said, I've been doing errands for Manny. I can't just detour-"

"Why not?"

"Hey Tooth we need your help!"

"Hey Jack! Emma... what are you doing here?"

"Jack wants to know about his sister."

"Well... that's gonna be a little hard unless I know her name." I looked at her.

"You don't need her name, you've shown me people before with less information."

"I mean... I mean... well it's just..." Jack looked at Tooth angrily.

"Where are they? I want to know about my sister."

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