Expressions and Ideas

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Jacks POV:

I took a deep breath as what she had told me sunk in. I didn't even know Manny could have kids honestly. She took in my expression and froze before beginning to pull her hands away. I didn't let her.

"No no just...give me a minute." I said quietly, looking deep into her eyes. I tried to think about if this changed anything. Does that mean he'd be watching our relationship? I wasn't much for voyeurism... I couldn't ignore the feelings that had begun to grow over the past few weeks. I couldn't ignore the nature of the visions she had shown me, both good and bad. I protected her, we seemed to live power seemed to grow as well.

"This is...a lot to take in, I'll admit...but I don't think it'll change anything. I do have a couple questions though." She nodded hesitantly.

"How were you...uh...born? And does that mean he's watching us all the time?" I added quickly, glancing at the moon, who now felt way closer like he had eyes. She laughed.

"He only watches when he feels it's necessary. He's not watching all the time don't worry. He's got...a more powerful version of my gift, to put it simply. As if that wasn't obvious by...well...everything. And...I kinda just...I don't know...appeared. I...uh...floated down from the moon before he spoke to me, explaining things. Well, kind of. He's got this weird vague way of saying things." She said, mildly irritated. I laughed.

"Yeah, he's not super helpful. More of the 'find out yourself' right?" She smiled and nodded before sighing and standing up, effectively pulling away from me.

"We should probably head back and help out. We wouldn't want them to think something happened to us." I sighed and stood up as well, before taking half a step towards her.

"Thanks for uh...talking to me...I mean, telling me everything..." I rubbed the back of my neck and looked away. She put her hand on my shoulder and, as I turned back towards her, gave me a gentle smile.

"You deserved to know. I'm just glad you were so understanding. I should be thanking you." She paused. "I'll race you back?" I laughed.

"You're so on." I took off, giving myself a head start and ignoring her protests.


As we flew back to the main room in the Warren, the others turned towards us, North looking relieved, Bunny looking irritated.

"Where were ya lot? We coulda used your help a couple hours ago!" I laughed and landed, Emma looking at Bunny with a mildly guilty expression.

"Sorry Bunny, it was just really important that we-" I interrupted. I wasn't about to let the kangaroo make her feel guilty. Our conversation was more important than eggs right now.

"Don't you do this every year on your own, fluffy? Since when do you need our help? Or did you just miss us?" I said tauntingly. He got a flash of anger across his face and took a step towards me, North grabbing the strap of his boomerang before he could walk further. Emma flitted over to me, lightly pushing my arm and trying to hide a smile.

"That wasn't nice Jack. He's our friend, we should be helping, especially with a threat." I nodded.

"I know, but we had an important conversation. It wasn't something that we could exactly rush through." North nodded.

"Jack has a point but so does Bunny. We need to help each other, but also make time for quiet. All is important. Now that we're all here, let's continue. How far is Easter?"

"A week. Emma, would you be able to speed up time a bit so we can have Easter over with and be ready for Moteras next attack?" She looked at me with distaste, which instantly made me feel bad. I looked down.

"That's just rude to Bunny's holiday. I can speed up the process but we should enjoy the holiday." Bunny perked up as I turned and sighed, knowing this would go to his head.

"THANK you! Finally someone gets it!" Bunny said, shooting both North and I a glare. I raised my hands in defense, turning back towards everyone.

"I just didn't want Misty Mcstabby ruining the holiday itself hoppers." She sighed and looked at Bunny.

"Speeding up the process will take a lot out of me. Not as much as stopping time but if I'm doing it steadily for 6 days, I'll be out of commission for all of Easter." He nodded and I looked at Emma with concern, a pit forming in my stomach. Suddenly...

"Maybe this isn't the greatest idea then. We should think of something else." I said quickly. She looked at me with a smirk.

"Don't get all soft on me now, frostbite, this was YOUR idea." Bunny smirked.

"Frosty has a crush that's why." Tooth looked like she was upset but trying to hide it. Emma shot her a sympathetic smile, which caused her to sigh. 'ill talk to you after' She mouthed to her and Tooth nodded.

"Shut up. I'm just saying I changed my mind. She's powerful, we should think of something else." I said, trying to shut him up. I noticed a flash of hurt cross Emma's face and immediately wanted to smack myself. "I didn't mean...I wasn't trying to say it like came out wrong." I said to her quickly. She shook her head, nodding before looking at everyone. I looked over at the others, both Emma and I rolling our eyes at Bunny making kissy faces at us.

"Careful Kangaroo, or I'll start considering the idea..." Emma said quietly. I snorted and tried hiding my laugh as Bunny stopped, looking at Emma with a glare.

"You're invisible, why would anyone notice or care what you do?" I stopped, turning towards Emma, expecting to see a look of hurt or pain. Instead she looked entirely unbothered.

"No one's ever going to see me, I accepted that a long time ago. Why would you saying that hurt my feelings or rile me up in the slightest? Anyways, let's just get started. That's enough arguing. I'm gonna need to get started." Everyone nodded, though I was still caught off guard by what she said. She looked over at me, noticing me looking at her.

"Jack? You alright?" She snapped her fingers in front of my face as I shook myself out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry. I've just...never heard of a guardian...not caring before. Anyways, I'm gonna stay nearby to make sure you're alright and everything goes off without a hitch." I said, leaning on my staff. She nodded and began to sit down as the others wandered off to do their respective jobs.

"I do have a question." She looked at me expectantly. "How exactly is this gonna work? Are we gonna notice time speeding up? Are we gonna be a part of it..? I've never really encountered anything like this." She smiled mischievously.

"Just relax and enjoy the ride, frostbite."

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