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Emma's POV:

Jack and I haven't spoken about the...incident since that night. Not like I really gave him a chance to though. As soon as I woke up, I gave him a quick kiss goodbye and went to my cave. Its been the same routine for about 2 weeks now and I could see he was getting more and more upset but I just couldn't face him.

I had ruined that night, I knew it. He was just trying to make me feel better. I know it. I felt...dirty. I tried to push it out of my mind and rolled my eyes as I did my daily future scan for any potential threat. I had a feeling I would be doing these for a long time. After not seeing anything (yet again, surprise surprise) I just laid down on the floor, thinking about what I could do to entertain myself, when I suddenly heard a voice and felt a familiar gust of wind. I closed my eyes and sighed.

"So this is where you go to avoid me all day. Seems kinda boring." Jack spoke amusingly. I sat up to see him spinning his staff around in his hand, him leaning against the wall of the cave.

"Shouldn't you be off spreading winter somewhere?" He stopped and pointed his staff at me.

"You're more important than winter right now." He knelt down. "What did I do...?" He asked quietly, a look of hurt flashing acrossed his face. I instantly wanted to punch myself. I knew I was hurting him but I didn't realize it was this bad. I turned away from him and took a deep breath, rubbing my hands over my face.

"You didn't do anything, Jack. It was me...I totally screwed up and I feel...so...gross and-" He came over and sat beside me, bringing me into his arms, stroking the side of my face.

"I couldn't face you." I finally whispered. He just held me as I felt tears of embarrassment I didn't realize I had been holding back begin to run down my face.

"Would you maybe want your own room? For privacy and-"

"No!" I interrupted, probably a little too quickly as he jumped slightly. "Uh...sorry...um...no I love sharing a room with you, I just don't think that...that will be happening again." He nodded and we were once again silent for a moment as I wiped the tears from my cheeks.

"So...do you think we can move past this? I don't see you any different. You're still my Snowflake." He said, rubbing the side of my face with his nose. I giggled and nodded slowly.

"Yeah, I think so. I'm sorry I went a little crazy. I just...I've never been in a relationship before so I don't know what to do, or where the line is."

"Hey, neither do I. Everything seems to be going alright so far though." Jack said with a grin and a shrug. He stood up, grabbing my hand and pulling me with him.

"Do you have anything else to do for the big guy in the sky?"

"I doubt he appreciates that nickname but as a matter of fact I do not." I said, rolling on the heels of my feet. He beamed.

"Then come with me, I wanna show you what I do."


As Jack and I flew East, he began to dive suddenly. I giggled and followed him, suddenly being blown back by a huge gust of wind and the start of a blizzard. I couldn't see him anymore and my anxiety immediately shot up, old memories fogging my brain.

"Jack?! JACK!!" I cried out. I looked around, frantically hoping I would see a peek of his familiar blue hoodie. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind and jumped, flailing.

"Hey, hey, shh shh shh, it's just me Snowflake, it's just me.. I'm sorry about that. I keep messing up and I'm so sorry. I just...I should've been closer, I'm sorry." I relaxed into his arms as he spoke quietly but quickly. I turned towards him as he fell into silence, the blizzard continuing to swirl around us.

"Jack, it's alright. Mistakes happen and, they happen more often than not in the beginning I'm sure. We just have to pay attention to what each other likes and doesn't. I just...freaked out a little." We separated and flew off, him flying less than two feet away now, as we got closer to the US. When we reached certain towns, he began to relax, diving once more, me following close behind.

"Snow day!" He cried, beginning a snowball fight between multiple children. A few teenagers sat by, grumpy expressions on their faces. Jack looked at me and winked before launching a snowball at one of their backs. They turned towards the kids, angry at first before their expression slowly turned into a smile, and then a laugh as they picked up a snowball and began throwing them at their friends.

"C'mon guys! Don't just sit there!" Soon, everyone was laughing and a full on war broke out. Jack created a few ice patches on a couple snow piles to make it easier for kids to sled on while I floated above, watching him in his element. His laugh was contagious as I giggled to myself softly. I looked around at the group before noticing a certain brunette child on the outside of the group staring directly at me.

I whistled to get Jack's attention, pointing at the kid before Jack beamed and flew over to him, saying something before the child nodded and ran off. Jack flew over to me, grabbing my hand.

"There's someone I've been wanting you to meet." He pulled me in the direction of a frozen lake, standing on the branch of a tree before pushing me forward gently. I floated to the ground, looking around curiously.

"You must be Emma! I've heard...everything about you." He said laughing and turning to Jack, who flushed a deep red. I turned back to the kid, disbelief written all over my face. He had to be 12 or 13...I looked at Jack who nodded encouragingly. I took a step forward.

"You...must be Jamie?" I said carefully, and he nodded. "I've heard a lot about you too." I said, half jokingly.

"Yeah Jacks doesn't really hold back, does he? So can I see your powers?"

"Jamie." Jack scolded from the tree, giving him a stern look. I gave him a fake sad expression before turning to Jamie.

"Sorry bud, my powers only work if something important is happening. But I'll show you one day." I said with a smile. He nodded thoughtfully before Jack floated down, ruffling Jamie's hair.

"Alright, kiddo we gotta get going but I hope you had fun today." He laughed as he swatted at Jack's hand jokingly.

"That's kinda your job, isn't it?" He said teasingly. We said our goodbyes, taking off once more as I watched Jack throughout the day, visiting various towns, and giving a few snow days. Giving a few countries heavy snowfalls, always laughing as he froze cars, buildings and windows over. I couldn't help but laugh along. I suddenly found myself wishing I had a power like his. It seemed so much more fun than mine...

I sighed to myself as he finished his final touches.

"We should head back. The sun's gonna be rising soon and I wanna make sure you're all snug in bed." He came up, wrapping his arms around my waist before kissing the tip of my nose. As if on cue, I let out a long yawn and nodded. We started towards North's place.

I wondered if Jack saw my powers as beautiful and breathtaking as his...

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