The Proposal

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Jack's POV:

Okay, in hindsight I could have set it up during the day. But that didn't matter as North gave me a thumbs up the next morning. I snuck off to grab the lights, canvas and carpet I needed before quickly flying off to find her cave. I was lucky I found it the first time.


I stopped and whipped my head towards the moon. now he's helping me...I slowly entered the cave, cleaning up various papers and drawings scattered around, smiling lightly as I found a sketch of me sitting in a tree, before beginning to set everything up. First I threw the carpet on the ground. It was the moon going through all of its different phases in a large circular orbit...thing. Next I grabbed the lights and began stringing them up, gold and white, all around the cave and around it's entrance, before finally hanging the canvas on the back wall, wrapping a small string of ice blue colored lights around the back border.

Then I sat in the center of the cave and really began to focus. I had never done anything this particular before, I needed it to be perfect. I closed my eyes, envisioning the ring in my mind. The band of the ring, thin but not delicate, divots where I could put aquamarine and citrine stones wrapping around the entirety of it, imbued with the same magic that the flowers had. This ring will never melt.

I looked down at my palm to see the perfectly crafted ring sitting in my hand, though the stones were missing. I blanked for a moment, I hadn't thought of this part. I quickly took off back to the pole, knowing I needed a yetis help. Pronto.

I found the nearest one, explaining my situation and asked if they could help. They rubbed their chin for a long moment before grumbling something to me.

"I...don't understand." I admitted. He sighed, exasperated before pointing to the divots and pointing back to me.

"I need to get the gems? You'll put them in though right?" He nodded and I took off, yet again in search of the right ones.

Completely clueless but eventually successful, I came back with a chunk of both aquamarine and citrine, smiling with joy to the yeti who took both rocks and began smashing them up before trading the hammer for finer tools and filing down the chunks until the pieces fit into the divots. He needed my help with a little more ice to seal the gems in place and then the ring was complete.

It was perfect.

"Jack?! Jack! You better not jump out and scare me again!" I quickly tackled the yeti in a hug before flying off, back to the cave where I paced with my hands behind my back and waited, trying to prepare what I was gonna say.

Maybe talk about the day we met, then go into the thing so definitely start with the day we met, her beauty, her personality, how she...cheesy too cheesy...maybe start with her cuz where do I take that. Ugh...I was gonna crash and burn.

"Jack..?" I turned around to see Emma, looking all over the cave in awe, me standing in the middle. She met me there, looking up at me with curiosity while I cleared my throat nervously and stepped aside, showing her the painting.

"I know you've never gotten to see the I uh...I painted it for you..." Stupid. She walked over to it with a smile before turning and walking back over to me.

"It's beautiful...what's going on, Jack? What is all of this?" I took a deep goes nothing...and got down on one knee. She let out a small gasp, her hand flying up to her mouth as the ring came into view. I grabbed her hand and the words started to flow.

"Emma...the day that I met you was unlike any other. I was, and still am, mesmerized by you. I love your beautiful eyes, your breathtaking smile, your adorable laugh, I love your wonderful gift, I love that we can have fun together. I love you. Everything about you is perfect and I want to spend every waking second of eternity with you...will you please do me the honor of marrying me...?" She was silent and all she did was nod her head yes as tears began to stream down her face. I let out a small sigh of relief as I stood and slid the ring on her finger before she attacked my lips.

We separated for a small moment as we heard a few cheers behind us, seeing Bunny, Tooth, North, Laya, Asher, Zakai, and Katie all standing there under the light of the Moon. Emma quickly wiped at her eyes, as Tooth, Laya, and Katie rushed her, begging to see the ring. The others came over to me, hugging and high fiving me.

"Got a girl before you did." I teased Bunny. He just rolled his eyes as he patted me on the shoulder.

"Yeah I could hardly focus on what you were saying cuz you were shaking so much." I frowned before thinking back. Was I shaking?

"He's teasing you, Jack." Asher said calmly. I hung my head, nodding and smiling sheepishly. This whole situation has me rattled. I quickly tuned things out for a moment, noticing in my chest a feeling of excitement, love, and adoration...but there was something there...I couldn't quite place it. I looked over to see Emma deeply enveloped in conversation with the other girls and shook off the thoughts, focusing back on the guys.

"So, what now? A whole wedding thing?" Zakai asked, stuffing his hands into his pockets. I nodded.

"Yeah, I've already seen a few and Emma asked me about getting married a bit ago so I assume she's got some ideas in mind. What about you guys?" Asher and Zakai looked at me funny.

"We've already been married to our girls for a while. You're late to the party." Bunny burst out laughing while I glared at him.

"Well excuse me for being out of the loop with everyone. I didn't even know other spirits existed until a week before Christmas."

"Well, everyone's heard of you." Asher said casually.

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, Heather was going around telling everyone she's been with you forever, that you were just always busy cuz you were a guardian and the spirit of winter and all." Zakai added. I almost had an aneurysm.

"And no one thought to come find me and ask for MY side of the story??" He shrugged nonchalantly.

"Well, when I got with Katie, she explained things and it wasn't my job to go around correcting things so I figured eventually everyone would just figure it out on their own. And they did." I smacked him upside the head while he laughed. It was contagious and I found myself smiling, reminding myself it was all in the past. Suddenly Emma was next to me, whispering in my ear.

"The girls and I wanna know if it would be too petty to invite Heather to the wedding." I looked at her and grinned wickedly.

"Please do." She smiled and giggled, excitedly kissing my cheek before running back to them, going back to their intense conversation. As we continued talking with our respective groups, I looked up at the moon, silently thanking him for leading me to the right cave. Everything had gone perfectly.

The vision had come true.

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