Perfect and Embarrassing

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Emma's POV:

I couldn't imagine this date going any better as I took his hand, grabbing the flowers on our way out. We stopped by the bedroom while he made a vase to put them in before he continued to lead me to wherever it was he was taking me.

It was a New Moon as we stepped outside, completely quiet, the stars and a single lantern Jack had set up, illuminated the area. There was a small picnic basket with little treats laid around it. Chocolate covered strawberries, a small cheese platter, even two glasses of wine. I felt tears beginning to form at the corner of my eyes and when Jack turned around, his smile immediately fell.

"What's wrong? Is this okay? I tried to-" I put my hand over his mouth.

"This is perfect. It's so beautiful Jack I can't thank you enough for such a wonderful night." He sighed in relief and gently grabbed my hand, holding it as he moved it away from his mouth. He pressed his lips against mine and we walked over to the blanket.

"Ya know, there's supposed to be a meteor shower tonight." He said as he started to pour the wine. I looked at him funny.

"Are we allowed to have this, with you being a guardian of children and all?" He laughed.

"The children aren't the ones drinking it, and I'm 327 years old so...yes." He said, giving me a small smile as he handed me my glass. I nodded and took a sip. It was a little on the bitter side for my taste but definitely not bad.

"Can I ask you something?" He nodded. "We still haven't found out anything about your sister...have you given up?" He sucked in a deep breath before blowing it out.

"No, that's not the wording I would use. I kinda think of it as 'better not knowing'. Because I fully believe she lived a long, happy, healthy life. And I don't want anything to change my belief." He ended quietly. I moved closer to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

We continued to talk and laugh, even feeding each other at one point and when the meteor shower began, Jack grabbed his guitar and began to sing. He had the most beautiful voice I had ever heard and I never wanted this night to end. He was everything I could ever ask for...I wouldn't stroke his ego but he definitely was amazing at his 'hobbies' as he called them. As he sang the final chord of the song, the final meteor passed the sky. I couldn't believe it but that night was over...

He intertwined our fingers and I looked over at him sadly.

"We can stay out here as long as you want, princess." He said with a gentle smile. I shook my head.

"It's a tempting offer for sure, but the sun will be coming up soon. Plus we unfortunately have to change and clean up." He sighed sadly and wrapped me in his arms.

"Why'd you have to ruin the mood?" He whined while I laughed.

"It's what I'm good at. But honestly," I said, pulling away so I could see his face, "thank you for the most perfect night I've ever had." He raised his hand to cup my cheek and leaned in. I closed my eyes as his breath hit my face, and then our lips met. This kiss felt different from before. It felt almost desperate, like we were scared to end the night. I lifted my hand threaded my fingers through his hair, as I pulled away. He dropped his head to my shoulders for a few moments before standing up and helping me to my feet.

"While you go and get changed, I'll clean up." He said, kissing the top of my head. I nodded, walking back towards the door. Tooth was waiting inside for me.

"Tell me everything! How was it? Was he sweet? Did he actually dance? I saw the flowers, they're so pretty!" I stayed quiet for the most part, only giving her nods here and there while I made my way to the bedroom. When I finally reached the door, I turned to look at her.

"Can we talk about it tomorrow? I just wanna get changed and just relax." She nodded, understanding and flew off. After I changed out of the dress and shoes, putting my hair back in the style it usually was and taking off my makeup, I felt much better.

As I wandered the room and sat on the bed, my mind began racing through the night, my eyes catching the flowers on the dresser. I smiled and looked out the window, thinking that this night couldn't get any more perfect.


I shook my head quickly. Those were not the kind of thoughts to be having after a beautiful date like tonight. He obviously put a lot of thought and effort into it and that's just gonna ruin it...

But thinking about it won't hurt anybody, right?

Jack's POV:

I felt...odd. Well, not me but Emma. She seemed like she was feeling...warm? I quickly finished putting the lights away and rushed back to the room, as I felt her getting warmer by the second, wondering if she somehow had a fever or maybe she was by a fireplace or something. I stopped outside the door when I heard muffled moaning coming from inside.

Oh.. Oh...

I shouldn't be standing here. I shouldn't be listening. As I went to walk away, I heard an unmistakable moan of 'Jack...yes...' and I stopped, my face immediately getting hot. I didn't know what to do as I heard her moans turning into short gasps before a high pitched whine and then silence.

I don't know how long I stood there. It felt like forever but eventually I reached for the handle, turning it slowly. As I pushed the door open, Emma was sitting on the bed, holding a book as if nothing had happened. I could feel my face getting hot all over again as Emma looked up at me with confusion.

"You okay Jack?" I just nodded and laid down behind her, tensing up a little as she laid down next to me. I wondered how to approach this, or if I should just leave this alone...she would find it creepy that I was listening...I cleared my throat as I figured honesty is the best policy. Doesn't matter if I want the earth to swallow me whole after I say it.

" were you up to while I cleaned up?" She was quiet for a moment.

"I just browsed your book collection. I hope you don't mind but I never really got the chance to actually sit down and read much." She wasn't gonna say it.. oh god...

"Well...I was the ballroom and I thought...well I felt my chest getting warm, and I thought maybe you were warm or something...I don't know I'm still not sure how this soul yet... but...I came to the door and-"

"Oh god." She jumped up, immediately turning away from me. "You heard me didn't you?" I took a deep breath as I sat up, bringing her into my arms and kissing her cheek while she hid her face in her hands. Maybe I could make light of this...?

"Yes...but if you wanted me that badly, you could have just said so." I said, teasingly. She looked at me, her face beet red with a shy smile.

"I just didn't want to ruin the night... it was so beautiful and perfect and...that didn't seem like how it should seems a little soon..." I nodded and pulled her down so we were both laying on the bed.

"I'm okay with whatever you want to do. We'll go at whatever pace makes you comfortable." I leaned close to her ear and whispered, "Just remember to lock the door next time." Laughing as she elbowed me in the ribs and hid her face in the pillow.

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