Christmas Planning

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Jack's POV:

After wiping us both down with a cool cloth, I found an old pair of sweatpants hiding in the bottom drawer. North must've put them there when I first moved in or something. I threw them on before grabbing the spare blanket laying on the windowsill, carefully draping it over Emma's sleeping frame as I laid down next to her.

Guilt and fear came crashing down on me. Would she regret what just happened..? Sure, she had said she wanted it but...she could always change her mind. What if she got mad at me..? I only wanted to help her feel better. I got so caught up in the moment, with her pleading eyes, but I knew I didn't regret what had happened.

I sighed and rubbed my hands over my face. I had to get my mind off of things before she woke up.

I sat up and grabbed a notebook and pen from underneath the bed, flipping it open to a blank page before staring at it. I wasn't even sure what to draw after everything that just happened. All I could picture was her gorgeous figure lying beneath me, her beautiful face captured in pure bliss...

I shook my head and shrugged, letting myself just start, letting my subconscious guide the pen. As I began to draw, a certain image came to mind making me smile. I wasn't keeping an eye on the time, simply focusing on details, going back and changing whatever didn't fit the picture. After awhile, I set my pen to the side and looked at the picture fully.

We were spinning in the ballroom, a smile on her face, while my eyes were glued to her, one hand holding hers, the other resting on her hip as it pulled her closer to me, while the pillars climbing with lights. Every detail was perfect. I jumped slightly as I felt a hand on my back and breath by my ear.

"It's beautiful Jack. You're an incredible artist." She whispered. I felt my cheeks warming slightly before setting the notebook down and turning towards her hesitantly.

"Are...are you okay? How do you feel?" I asked carefully. She placed her hand on my cheek and gave me a soft smile, kissing me gently.

"I feel better and I know what you're asking. No, Jack, I don't regret it. I'm not upset. I loved every second of it. I love you." She spoke quietly. I felt myself sigh in relief as I wrapped her in my arms, burying my face in her neck. She laughed lightly as she hugged me back, before pulling away slightly and turning her head away.

"I hope...I hope you don't..I mean..I hope you felt-" I turned her face towards mine, kissing her deeply, pulling away and staring deep into her eyes.

"It was amazing. I couldn't imagine anything better and I love you so much." She smiled and I moved us so we were laying, my back against the headboard as I held her close.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Oi, mate, why is the door locked?" Bunny's voice came from the other side. I groaned in frustration.

"Go away!"

"North wants to talk to us about the Christmas party!" I heard him hop away and Emma looked up at me, sighing but smiling.

"Back to reality I guess." She said wistfully, as she went to get up. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her back into my chest and burying my face into her neck.

"Noooo..." I protested and she laughed before twisting towards me. I know she had meant to give me a quick kiss but I just couldn't help myself. I moved her so she straddled my lap again, deepening the kiss and slowly pushing her back until I was, again, hovering over her body.

She pulled away, panting as I began to kiss down her neck, noting the marks I had left there from a few hours ago. She gripped my shoulders and pushed me away gently.

"Let's go Jack." She said playfully stern. I rolled my eyes, smirking as I stood up, pulling her with me. As the blanket fell to her feet, she began walking towards the dresser, my eyes following her the entire time.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." She said, as she turned and winked at me. I rolled my eyes and walked over, giving her a kiss on the cheek before turning around to grab my sweater. I heard her gasp and turned to see her expression was a mixture of shock and embarrassment.

"What's wrong?"

"Have you...umm...look at your back." She said slowly. I moved my way over to the window, throwing up a quick thin sheet of ice to act as a mirror before turning around. I smirked as soon as I noticed what she was talking about.

All up and down my back were thin, dark red lines from her nails. I remembered the moment she had given them to me and thought for a moment. They didn't hurt so I wasn't worried about it. I shrugged and looked at her, the smirk still on my face.

"Just confirmation that I'm that good." I said teasingly. She gave me a fake frown and walked over, picking up my hoodie from the floor and throwing it at my face. I caught it laughing.

As we finished getting dressed, I grabbed my staff, and kicked the notebook back under the bed while she was fixing her hair. She quickly made the bed while I leaned against the wall, waiting for her to finish.

When she walked over to me, I unlocked and opened the door, reaching for her hand but instead she flew by me, laughing at my confused expression.

"See you there, frostbite!" She shouted.

Emma's POV:

I heard Jack shout in protest as I continued towards the Globe room, sighing as I landed before my smile dropped. Jack was sitting there on the table, looking at me with a grin.

"Bout time you showed up." I looked behind me and back at him.

"But I-how did you-that's not even-" He laughed at my confused expression and walked over to me, closing my jaw.

"You'll catch flies." He said sweetly before patting my cheek gently. I rolled my eyes and huffed, walking past him as I focused on North, who was currently offering everyone drinks or cookies.

"Okay North, what's this Christmas party Bunny was talking about?" He was visibly shaking with excitement as he got everyone to settle down, Jack coming up behind me as he casually froze an elf waiting for North to speak.

"I got the idea after hearing of Jack's date! Let's invite the other spirits here for a big party on Christmas Eve!"

"Isn't that the night you're busiest, preparing to leave to bring the presents and everything?" I said. North thought for a moment before his face dropped in disappointment.

"That doesn't mean you can't have a party North. Maybe next week? It's short notice but we could get it put together I'm sure." Jack added on quickly. We all nodded in agreement and North perked up again, waving over to a yeti.

"Prepare for a party! Bring me the guest list!"

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