Important Discussions

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Emma's POV:

I was anxiously waiting for Jack's return. He had left only an hour ago to make sure there was enough snow and clouds in the sky to cover North's trip across the world during Christmas Eve. I was pacing the bedroom as I thought about how I was going to bring this up to him.

I mean sure he feels just as strongly for me, but what if he laughed at the idea? Maybe he'll bring it up first? It's only been a few months though. We had already moved pretty fast. I don't know if this is such a good idea anymore. Maybe I should just wait. But if I wait, maybe it won't happen at all. I already have the perfect vision for it in my head.

I laid down on the bed and screamed into the pillow. I had to find some way to calm down because Jack was probably already starting to go nuts with worry with the fact that I was causing my anxiety to go through the roof. I was ordered by North to stay in the room so I wasn't 'getting in the way' so I decided to go outside and sit where we had our first date. I thought back to how he sang to me, our conversations, opening up to each other about our past, Jack telling me how lonely he's been all these years without anyone to see him, me explaining how hard it was to see people in love and not get a little jealous that I thought I would never experience the same emotion. It was such an important night for us both. I remembered joking with him about the wine, me being able to wake up next to him every night. Our whole relationship had been like a wonderful dream.

He appeared beside me, looking disheveled.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked with a small smile on his face.

"Just thinking about how so much has changed these past 8 months..." I trailed off, anxiety beginning to creep back into my mind as I thought about how I was gonna begin. Jack suddenly furrowed his brows and sitting next to me.

"What's got you worried? You know you're stuck with me, right?" He said with a half smile, nudging me, I gave him a small smile. Well that seemed like a good place to start...

"Speaking of...have you ever thought about maybe something more...?" I said slowly. He gave me a confused look.

"I...don't understand." He finally admitted after a moment of silence.

"I mean like-i don't know...I see humans getting...well...getting married and..." I watched from the corner of my eye as his eyes widened and he slowly turned towards the moon. I immediately backed out.

"Never mind, it's a stupid thought. I mean, were immortal beings right? Something like marriage would be-would be pointless." I said, trying to laugh off the tears I felt coming to the surface. I quickly flew off, ignoring Jack as he called my name. I just needed to be alone.

I flew as fast and as far away as I could before finding a random cave, though having no idea where I was, before I broke down sobbing.

Why did I think that would work? Why did I think bringing it up was a good idea? I'm so stupid. Of course it's stupid, that's something that humans do because of their short lives, so they make up their little ideas of forever in their vows. It doesn't mean anything.

I couldn't help but feel like, to me, it would mean...everything. A fresh wave of tears overcame me as I curled up in a ball, wanting the earth to swallow me whole.

I heard Jack's voice faintly calling my name and I forced myself to slow and quiet my breathing so he wouldn't hear me. I held my breath as he flew in front of the cave, pausing for a moment before turning his head and locking his eyes with mine.

They softened and he looked...guilty. I couldn't hold them back any longer as I continued to cry, though thankfully this time they were silent tears. Jack flew in, throwing his staff to the side before sitting next to me and moving me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me.

"Snowflake, hey...shhh, shhh, shhh, I'm right here. It's okay."

"I-I'm s-s-sorry. I j-j-j-just w-wan-ted...I mean w-w-was thin-king abo-out it...I-I shouldn't ha-have br-brought i-it up-p." I stuttered out. He took my face in his hands and turned my head so I was looking into his eyes.

"Did it take me by surprise? Yes. But princess, I would love to marry you. But I wanna do it the right way, proposal and all." He said with a reassuring smile. I gasped lightly as he kissed me, letting go and wrapping his arms around my waist. Afterwards, I wiped my face before burrowing it into his chest. He pet my hair gently before speaking.

"I wasn't aware you were thinking about it, but it's crossed my mind a few times honestly. Winter weddings seem to be getting more popular and seeing them...I can just picture that being us. I was worried about what you would say..." I envisioned him flying around, seeing a winter wedding for the first time and being curious. An unassuming bride and groom saying their vows while he observed, a smile on his face as he had the idea, watching the party, seeing the groom react to the bride walking down the aisle, the wedding pictures. Jack Frost really is a softy.

I smiled to myself at the thought and slowly unwound myself from him as I stood up.

"Let's head back. This cave is boring." I said jokingly. He let out a small laugh and grabbed his staff off of the ground.

"Race you?" He looked at me.

"Readysetgo!" I cried out, shooting out ahead of him. I heard his protest and giggled, there was no way he was beating me this time.

I was wrong. There he sat, on the windowsill of our bedroom, looking bored as I showed up. He saw me fly over and beamed.

"Gotta do better than that Angel." He said teasingly.

"Okay, how do you keep DOING that?" I said, stomping my foot on the ground. I don't care that it made me look childish. He threw his head back, laughing. I picked up a chunk of snow and whipped it at him. Since he was unprepared, it hit him in the chest, hard enough to send him flying over the edge, and landing in the room with a loud thud.

I giggled and flew in after him, seeing him laying on the floor rubbing the back of his head.

"Ow, that hurt!" I looked at him with a pretend stern look.

"Reveal your secrets." He smirked.

"Never!" He launched himself at me. I squealed as he threw me onto the bed before pinning me down. "Gotcha." He said in a low voice before kissing me. As our lips moved against one another, I felt myself heating up again. How far were we going this time?

He broke the kiss and began moving down my neck before he suddenly stopped and got off. Was this another trick? I sat up, placing my hand on the small of his back.

"What's wrong?" He shook his head, looking at the floor.

"Do you really want to?" I moved back for a second, trying not to let my insecurities jump to conclusions.

"Jack, what are you talking about?" I looked at him confused. He was always one to initiate things but he always stopped and I've never understood why...He was silent for a long moment.

" you not want to...have sex with me?" I asked hesitantly. I was almost scared of the answer. He whipped his head around, and unreadable look in his eyes.

"No, it's not that. It's definitely not that. I just...I'm just...what if Aphrodite didn't hold up her end of the deal? What if these feelings...aren't yours...?" He asked dropping his head. Ooohh. I grabbed his chin, gently tilting his head up before giving his forehead a kiss.

"Jack, I can assure you that these feelings are mine. They always feel different from what happened before. The first time and so uncomfortable. Like it wasn't going to go away. Now it feels like a gentle warmth, a slow but passionate feeling. I want to take it further." I moved off the bed to stand in front of him and he rested his head against my stomach as I played with his hair.

"I'm sorry I worry so much." He said quietly. I laughed and shook my head.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Snowflake." I said sweetly. He looked at me with puppy dog eyes as I bent down and gave him a kiss.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

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