When and Where?

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Emma's POV:

I woke up to see Jack sleeping peacefully, though no dream sand was above his head. I wonder... I touched his face lightly and he opened his eyes to meet mine before smiling softly.

"Hey, about time you woke up." I slapped his chest as he laughed.

"Way to ruin the moment, frostbite." I said, smiling. We laid there in silence for a moment, enjoying each other's company before my mind drifted to the visions.

"Hey Jack, you know you were glowing when you were protecting me from Motera?" He paused for a moment before slowly moving his head back and forth.

"Kinda sorta. That vision hadn't really crossed my mind until you brought it up just now, but now that you said something, it makes sense. All the pieces are there." I nodded.

"What were you feeling when it happened?" I asked quietly. I didn't want him to talk about it if he didn't want to but I was curious. I felt his chest move as he laughed softly.

"I thought this was gonna be a conversation about the future." I picked my head up as our eyes met and his expression changed to one of hesitance.

"It's...hard to explain...I felt...ice. Everywhere. I mean yeah I'm cold all the time but this felt like...like I had ice literally flowing through my veins...in my chest, where my heart is...well...used to be." He said sadly, looking away. I tried to think of something to say.

"If you didn't have some kind of heart, you wouldn't be able to love me, right?" I said, smiling as he turned his head back towards me. The sadness didn't leave his eyes though he mustered up a small smile and nodded. I decided to change the subject to a happier topic.

"So...what's the future you're looking forward to the most?" He thought for a moment.

"This may sound strange but probably the one of us flying around North's sleigh. Kissing you is something I'll never get tired of, and that seems to happen a lot in those visions, proving my point." He said, quickly planting his lips on mine before continuing. "But that just seems like there's a moment where we're...genuinely happy together. No worries, no attacks, and no...crazy visions, no offense. Just...freedom." He finished, staring off.

"I think that has to be mine as well, though a close second would have to be you holding me under the Moon. It seems...important, though we don't seem bothered. Like it's not bad." He smiled, genuinely and I was happy to see the sadness had disappeared from his eyes. I laid my head on his chest.

"What else did you want to talk about hun?"

Jack's POV:

What did I want to talk about? I couldn't pick. I wanted to talk about the dates I wanted to bring her on. I wanted to talk about every detail I loved about her. I wanted to tell her how much I loved her but words didn't seem to be enough. I wanted to bring her outside, replace her bad memories of the cold with ones she could enjoy.

"I-" North's timing was impeccable.

"Jack. Emma. We are ready. We must find Pitch before Motera does and put a stop to them! Be ready in 10 minutes!" He says, clapping twice before leaving the room. I sighed in annoyance and looked at Emma who had a strange expression of sadness on her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly, bringing my hand up to her cheek.

"You didn't really get to say anything and I was kinda hoping we would get to talk longer...I'm scared we won't get another chance..." My lips met hers, moving softly together, me protesting as we separated. I sighed.

"I know we will. I have full faith and hope that we will. I'll protect you, you have to believe in me." She nodded, smiling as we began to get out of bed. She stretched and looked at me.

"Race you to the Globe room?" I held up my finger as a question popped into my head. She tilted her head, confusion written all over her face.

"Why do you need sleep but the rest of us don't?" She looked relieved and laughed lightly. I could hear her laugh a million times and it would never get old.

"Well, my only theory is that the light of the Moon is the source of my power so the sun absolutely drains me. Other than that, I'm honestly not sure." She shrugged and I nodded, grabbing my staff from the wall.

"Ready..." She grinned.

"Set..." She said.

"Go!" We shouted, taking off, flying through the halls. We were careful in dodging the yetis as they were crafting toys. Emma misjudged her distance and had to slow down to avoid Phil, causing me to laugh as I gained the lead. Suddenly she shot past me, looking over her shoulder at my shocked expression.

"Gotta do better than that Frosty!" She shouted, crossing the archway of the Globe room. We landed as the others looked at us, shaking their heads.

"Guys this is serious." Tooth said, scolding us. Emma looked down. I gave Tooth a sour look.

"Serious or not, you can't go into a serious situation without a little optimism or happiness." She rolled her eyes, looking away as we all gathered to hear when North would be telling us to get ready to go. He walked in, deep in thought and dressed in his heavy robes.

"To the sleigh!" He said suddenly and began walking off. We looked at each other in confusion as we followed him.

"Uh...North do you have a clue where we're supposed to be going?" I said. North glanced at Emma.

"We'll find out when we get there." He said. I stopped.

"You can't seriously be asking Emma to continuously have visions just to-" She put her hand on my shoulder.

"Jack, this is my gift. It's meant to help however, and whoever I can. If this is whats necessary then I'll do it." I huffed but nodded as we all watched the sleigh come out, climbing in as it settled to the floor. She sat next to me, placing her hand in mine as North took a minute to look at her.

"Okay, I have noticed with your visions, the place in which they take place seem to be...missing. We need to see if you can focus on where it takes place." She nodded and focused on a wall behind North, slipping away as one eye turned white, the other turning gold. Her breathing quickened in pace and Bunny stopped me from bringing her back, putting a hand on my shoulder and giving me a look that simply said 'wait'. She was watching something far away for about 5 minutes before her breathing became steady again. She blinked a few times before her eyes returned to normal and I immediately grabbed her hand.

She looked at North.

"It's...a swamp...sort of. It's surrounded by trees. I don't know the exact location because there's nothing that sticks out, besides Pitch's bed behind them. No nightmare sand though, just shadows and her vines, her changing the kind of weather that surrounds us too, but..." She looked at me with a small smirk. "She seemed to be having trouble with controlling the snow." I smiled in return as she continued.

"I wish I could see more, I tried looking around but...like I said, nothing stuck out...I'm sorry..." Her head dropped and I gently grabbed her chin, turning her head to face me.

"You tried, that's what matters." Bunny coughed behind us 'Get a room' and I froze his feet without looking, causing him to yelp. Emma smiled and we turned to look at North, who was thinking deeply yet again.

"So we look in swamps for Pitch's bed!" He said, turning towards his reigns. Emma looked at me.

"When we hit the open skies, why don't we take a little time and fly alone?" She asked.

"Stay near the sleigh." North was beginning to act like a father as I frowned. She nudged me with her shoulder.

"Better than nothing, right?" She said. I nodded, sighing deeply.

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