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Jack's POV:

I slowly sat down next to Emma as she rubbed her hands together, taking a deep breath as if she was preparing, not that I blame her. Her powers seem to take a lot of energy.

"So...are your eyes gonna turn that separate pretty white and gold or does that only happen when you have visions?" She stopped and looked at me for a moment, before softly smiling.

"No, they'll do it. Why, want me to leave my eyes open so you can stare? Because I do need to focus, Frosty." I shrugged and just looked away smirking. She laughed and put her hands in front of her, palms facing upwards. Suddenly, there was a thin white veil that enveloped us, though we could still see through it, and then it began.

It was like someone had put everyone on fast forward. Tooth fluttered around even faster, Sandy floating in and out at a speed I would usually fly. He was sleeping, that I knew, but it looked as if he was just taking naps. Bunny hopped in and out at a speed I almost couldn't see, chasing North a few times and yelling, though I couldn't understand what anyone was saying. They were all talking too fast. I looked over at Emma who seemed to be mumbling something under her breath, while beginning to shake.

"Are you alright?" I whispered, trying not to break her concentration. I would if it were necessary but things seemed to be going alright so far.

"Day 3." Is all she replied as she went back to mumbling. I nodded and continued to observe. They all came into the main room as Bunny began ushering eggs in, millions upon millions heading towards the top of the hill. They came to a stop before entering the tunnels that would lead them to the world.

"Day 6." Emma grunted. Just as I looked over, she fell backwards. I caught her just in time and the others looked over at us. She was breathing heavily, sweating and shaking. She felt like she was burning up but I honestly couldn't tell.

"Everyone feels warm to me, do you feel hotter than usual?" She nodded weakly. I quickly summoned a cold breeze to help cool her off. When she went from shaking to shivering I stopped, smiling as she smiled weakly up at me.

"Thanks Jack." She croaked. Her throat must've been dry.

"Can she get some water?" I asked the others. Sandy came over quickly, holding a glass. I helped her sit up and held the glass up to her lips, helping her drink it, letting go quickly as I felt it begin to freeze.

"Sorry.. I hope you got enough...I didn't mean to freeze it." I said, sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck. She shook her head as she downed the rest of the water in one go.

"You didn't. You made it very cold which feels very nice. Bunny, everything should be all set. I hope Easter goes very well." He smiled at her and began ushering the eggs through the separate caverns, gesturing the other guardians to help the other groups of eggs through. After everyone was gone, I looked over at Emma. She was absolutely amazing, her powers were nothing I had ever seen before. Her golden hair was showing in the mildly lit room, her breath still coming a little ragged though she looked like she was beginning to feel better.

Suddenly I noticed a vine climbing the wall, before she was brutally struck across the room from somewhere behind. I quickly rushed over to her as she slowly sat up, gripping her side, gasping.

"Jack..." She whispered, pointing behind me. I turned to look and saw Motera, back again, a look of pure rage on her face.

"God I just want to get you two out of my way. Shouldn't be difficult. You're both weak at this point. Hows she doing lover boy?" She cackled. I stood in front of Emma, I was getting tired of Motera. Her old tricks and stupid vines were getting old. Emma nearly died saving me. She almost killed her. SHE is ruthless and I WILL NOT let her hurt anyone else.

I felt pure ice coarsing through my veins, a cold feeling settling in my chest as I raised my staff.

"Bring it." I whispered to her. She didn't seem to like that and brought several vines up from out of the ground. They enveloped the area in front of me, like a wall, and pointed towards me like spears. I concentrated my newfound energy towards the end of my staff and raised it. As the vines came closer, I stabbed the ground with everything within me, aiming all my energy towards the...thing that wouldn't stop hurting the person I was growing to love, the thing that was hurting my friends. A solid wall of thick ice enveloped everything in the room, save for Emma and I, and Motera, along with her vines, were frozen. I was panting, not from exhaustion but from adrenaline. I forced myself to slow my breathing and shrugged.

"Quickest battle ever I guess." Emma mustered a weak laugh and I turned around, picking her up bridal style.

"Let's go find the others." She nodded and I chose a random tunnel, hoping it was the right one, and took off, relishing in the fact that I kept her safe, and the feeling of her in my arms.

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