Soulmates and Dates

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Jack's POV:

I kissed her on the top of the head as I grabbed my staff, getting ready to head out. She moved around, groaning for a moment before her eyes fluttered open.

"Jack? Where are you going?" She looked at me so innocently, I just wanted to lay back down but North was right. I really have been slacking lately.

"I have to go perform my Princely Winter duties. I'll be back before you start to even miss me." I said, giving her a quick kiss. She sighed sadly and nodded her head. I knew exactly how she felt at that moment as I flew out of the room. I took off, trying not to leave a trail of frost behind me and by the sounds of protest and shouts behind me from the yetis, I didn't succeed.

I began flying along the Northern hemisphere, focusing on Alaska, Canada, Russia, the usual places before heading to the northern US, focusing on particular states that winter had finally hit. I gave a few spots an accidental blizzard or two as I began to feel a strange sense of anxiety, sadness, and loneliness rising in my chest. I took a rest somewhere just on the border of Canada and Minnesota, before a familiar face popped up, shivering.

"I really hate the cold." Aphrodite shivered as she looked at me. She looked different this time, all bundled up in a long fleece coat, thick pants, boots, a scarf and hat. Color coordinated of course with red and green as winter was on its way, and makeup done perfectly.

"Can I help you?" I said, turning and walking away slowly, making a small path of frost and ice behind me. I was trying to distract myself from the ever rising anxiety but I just couldn't seem to get rid of it, no matter how many snowball fights or snow days I gave.

"No, but I can help you. Soul bonds are a bitch and a half you know." She said humorously. I spun around, looking at her in surprise and suspicion.

"What are you talking about?" She rolled her eyes and smiled mischievously.

"Surely you can't be this slow. After our last meeting I thought it would've been obvious. You must sense it by now?" I thought for a moment.

"Apparently I am this slow because I have no idea what you're talking about." I said, shaking my head. She laughed.

"You're funny. Well, let me explain to you simply. You're feeling what she feels, and, as the bond evolves, she'll begin feeling what you feel. I can't stand one-sided nonsense." She said with a dismissive wave of her hand. I stood there with my jaw completely wide open trying to process what she just said, while she laughed again.

"You'll catch flies, dear." I shook my head, having so many questions.

"Wait, so you're saying-"

"I'm sure you have questions which I know I should answer but..." She took a breath and thought for a moment. "Well I don't want to. I enjoy watching you find out for yourselves." She said with a grin.

"Wait!" I cried, but it was too late. Just as suddenly as she appeared, in a cloud of foam, she was gone once again.

Now knowing why the strange anxiety and loneliness felt like it came out of nowhere, I quickly headed back to North's place. She hadn't slept since I left I'll bet.

I flew in through the open window, looking around at the others.

"Where is she?" I said, panting. They all shrugged and I let out a frustrated sigh, flying off to the bedroom. As soon as I opened the door, the first thing I noticed was her sitting on the windowsill, staring out at the now falling snow (courtesy of yours truly) and her brows were furrowed, worry written all over her face. The next thing I noticed was, as soon as we locked eyes, every ounce of the negative emotions she and I had been feeling immediately disappeared, instead replaced by warmth, love, and compassion.

She quickly rushed over, throwing her arms around me and taking a deep breath as I felt her calm down. I didn't even know where to begin or how to explain this soul bond thing. I heard heavy footsteps hop in behind me.

"Everything alright mate?" I turned and looked at Bunny, mouthing 'Aphrodite' to him, before he nodded, holding his hands up and slowly backing out of the room. I quickly kicked the door shut.

"You should be sleeping hun, what happened?" I said softly, kissing the top of her head. She sighed and shrugged, not looking at me. I felt hesitation and mild guilt in my chest. Hmm... I took her face in my hands and looked her deep in the eyes.

"You can tell me anything. I saw you looking out the window like you were worried, what happened Snowflake?" She gripped my sweater a little tighter as she began to speak, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I don't know, I just felt...worried. Even though Motera and Pitch are gone, I know they are, I just can't get the old vision out of my head, were hurt so bad and when you left I felt like I should have gone with you but I didn't know where you went and-" I stopped her with a gentle kiss.

"I'm here now, I'm perfectly fine and safe. Let's get you to bed alright? I finished doing what I was supposed to, so I'll be able to stay with you the entire time alright?" She merely nodded and yawned. I let go of her, letting her walk over to the bed. This was so new to me, but it felt nice to be able to feel what she was feeling. I felt like I could understand her more and help her. I walked over and set my staff in its usual spot against the wall, crawling under the covers with her. As soon as her head was on my chest, she was asleep, snoring softly.

I couldn't help myself as I brushed her hair out of her face. These are moments I wouldn't trade for the world. I would give up everything if it meant I could just lay here with her forever.

Letting my mind wander as I waited for her to wake up, I wondered when she would begin to feel my emotions. Our relationship was going fast but it seemed like we couldn't bring ourselves to slow down...this must be part of the whole 'soulmate' part that Aphrodite had mentioned.

I felt myself growing uncomfortable with the position I was laying in, my legs and feet beginning to go numb. I slowly turned on my side, facing her as she moaned quietly in her sleep, her head dropping to rest on my arm, her hand gripping my sweater. She swung her leg and wrapped it around my waist. I held my breath until her breathing evened out.

I let myself observe her slim, gorgeous frame. Her golden hair was a chaotic mess, but somehow still beautiful, she was letting out quiet noises with every exhale. I wondered what noises she'd make if...

I shook my head, stopping that train of thought before it could even begin. I couldn't be thinking of her like that so soon, that was just wrong. I would be taking advantage of her and I couldn't do that to her. I forced my thoughts away, thinking of what I could do for our first date instead. Since we both could fly and we had both been...well...around for a while, there might not have been a whole lot she hadn't seen. Maybe ballroom dancing on ice? A picnic under the stars? Maybe even making her a preserved frosted flower arrangement to give her at the beginning.

The distraction worked as my mind began racing at all the possibilities, from art, to potentially music. Despite Bunny's opinion of me, I was actually quite skilled in a lot. Where does everyone think Jack of all trades came from?

I smiled widely as I finally settled on my idea, though I might need a little help. She was going to love it.

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