The End

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Jack's POV:

The only people who were genuinely upset about the whole wedding being canceled were the girls. After Emma explained the change in plans, they all started huffing, and as Emma continued to talk they started to whine before she shut them down for good.

After all the wedding stuff got cleared away, Emma grabbed my hand and dragged me down the hall towards our bedroom, shutting the door and locking it behind me before she sighed and threw her arms around my neck.

"Never let me talk myself into doing something like that again." She sighed against my shoulder. I chuckled while nodding, bringing my hand to her hip and the other one wrapping around her and pulling her close to me.

We stayed there for a few long moments, gently swaying back and forth as we simply held each other, before suddenly Emma reached into her pocket and pulled the two wedding bands out, pulling back to look at me. I smiled and took the one made that was meant for her. I let her go, holding hands while we stood face to face.

"Jack, I love you more than words can even express. I remember first meeting you, having those visions and getting so flustered because I didn't know back then how much you would mean to me. I promise, whenever you need me, I will be there for you. I promise, every adventure we take, we'll take it together. Any problems we have, we face them together. I promise I'll be yours forever...After everything we've been through I'm so grateful I finally get to call you mine for eternity." I smiled as she spoke, though bringing the vows I had memorized to the forefront of my mind. As she finished, she slowly slid the ring on my finger, and then I began.

"Emma, the day we met was...interesting. I'll always cherish meeting you for the very first time because, though I didn't know it then, that was the day I began falling for you. I promise that I'll be yours forever. I promise you that I'll always be by your side and I promise to cherish every day we spend together. I promise to do my best to see you smile every day and I promise that no one will ever come between us. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else but you and I'm glad I get to call you mine for eternity. I'll always be there for you, Snowflake. I love you."

Our lips met gently as we sealed our vows and love with a kiss. I pulled away, slowly picking her up and placing her feet on mine before placing one hand on her waist, and holding her hand, before I began humming and spinning us around, once again recreating our first date dance. She sighed happily and leaned to rest her head on my shoulder.

"I can't wait to spend forever with you, Frostbite." I kissed the top of her head and smiled.

"Me too, Snowflake."

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