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Emma's POV: 

Jack hovered over me as he kissed me gently, moving his kisses to my cheek and then down to my neck. I gasped as he nipped and began to suck lightly.

"What…what are you doing..?" I said quietly. All he did was hum in response as his hands moved to play with the edge of my shirt. 

"Can I take this off? You'd look so beautiful without it." I blushed.

"Jack, I've never-" He kissed me sweetly.

"I'll take care of you Snowflake." And with that, I nodded. I'd never been so open or vulnerable with anyone before, emotionally, physically, or sexually but with Jack I felt…safe. As my shirt was removed, he kissed down my neck, moving over my collarbones before blowing cool air over my nipple. My breath caught in my throat as he took it in his mouth, locking eyes with me as he began sucking gently, playing with my other breast, gently tweaking the nipple and causing me to close my eyes and let out a breathy moan. 

"Jack…I…I've never felt…this…before…" I choked out. He chuckled and moved, kissing his way back up to my lips. 

"Would you like to take it further? I wanna make you feel so good…I want you to scream my name." He whispered and kissed me roughly before I felt his hand on the edge of my pants. I froze for a moment and he stopped, pulling away before I nodded. He smiled gently, kissing me and my cheek before lowering himself in front of my abdomen, slowly removing my pants, before rubbing his hands up my inner thighs.

My breathing became ragged as his thumb lightly passed over my, now dripping wet core. I closed my eyes and turned my head away, knowing my face was beet red when I felt him stop. I felt the bed move and opened my eyes again to see him hovering above me.

"We can stop." He said quietly, stroking my cheek. I slowly shook my head and he nodded. "Just tell me if you change your mind." He moved his way back down before slowly opening my legs, kissing up my inner thighs as he moved closer to my heat. I was taking shallow, shaky breaths as I stared at the ceiling, gasping as I felt his lips meet my clothed pussy. His fingers met the waistband of my panties as he slowly slid them down, leaving me completely exposed.

As his hands ran up and down my thighs, his hands began moving closer and closer, and I felt his breath as he blew cool air against me, causing me to shiver.

"I wanna hear you say it, baby." He said roughly. I whimpered and closed my eyes.

"Please touch me…" Within a second his tongue had licked a long, slow strip up my pussy as he moaned and my hand flew to my mouth to cover my moans. His tongue began flicking against my clit mercilessly as he ate me out. My back began arching off the bed before he reached one hand up around my leg, and gripped my hip, pinning me down. I moaned, whined, almost screamed his name over and over.

Hot…I was heating up. The temperature in my chest and body were rising and I could feel the sweat beginning to bead on my forehead. I was finally given a break, gasping as he pulled away for a minute to breathe. He looked at me for a long minute before smirking.

"You have no idea how good you taste." Was all he said before he dove back in. I couldn't handle it much longer. I wanted to cry with pleasure, my one hand flying to his hair and gripping it tightly. I was too caught up in pleasure to know if it was hurting him or not, and I wasn't entirely sure if I was pulling him away or pulling him closer. 

I felt a knot beginning in my core and I moved my hand, stifling my moans as best as I could as I gasped out.

"Jack…jack. I…I think…uh please…think…I'm gonna…" He just looked at me and continued, going faster if possible as I cried out, helpless against the relentless assault of his tongue. 

I was too hot now…it hurt…but I was almost there..right on the edge…


My eyes flew open.

Jack's POV: 

I didn't know what to do. She was sweating, whining and moaning, almost screaming and all I could do was try and wake her up repeatedly but she was too deep asleep. Like she was under a trance. I was so scared she was having a nightmare until…

"Please touch me…" She suddenly breathed out. Now Aphrodite's little farewell message made sense. The last hurrah wasn't for me, it was gonna be for Emma and now I was just plain mad. She was lucky she waved the white flag when she did but apparently this meant being under some kind of sleeping spell while she had…the dream.

She was getting warmer by the second until I could barely take the feeling of fire flooding my chest. She had to be waking up soon…hotter…hotter…then just as suddenly as it had appeared, the fire filled back to a warmth instead. 

Her eyes flew open and she cried out.

"No! No, no, no!" I leaned towards her, placing my hand over her sweat covered forehead, hoping to cool her off. This whole thing was seriously confusing me. I thought she couldn't feel temperature?? Before I could question it too much, she turned towards me and gripped my sweater tightly and looked deep into my eyes, showing nothing but a look of sheer desperation. 

"Please…please Jack…help me…" She whined softly. I froze for a moment before sitting us both up and placing her in my lap, stroking her hair as I began rocking her back and forth.

"We were gonna take it slow, remember? I don't want-" She buried her face in my chest, shaking her head vigorously.

"I can't…Jack I can't…it hurts…please…it hurts…" I was torn. I didn't want her to be in pain and I knew this was all due to Aphrodite's little 'nudge' but I wasn't sure how long it would be. Could we wait it out…? Then again, all the fantasies I had earlier began flashing through my mind, as well as her words…the opportunity was right in front of me. I couldn't take advantage…I was at war with myself. She kept whispering "please, please, please" before I finally spoke.

"Snowflake, you have to be absolutely sure about this." I leaned her back slightly and turned her face, which was flushed bright red, towards mine. "I don't want to take advantage of you like this…are you sure?" She nodded and stood up, before sitting back down, straddling my lap. 

"I want you." 

'Well, it would be wrong to deny my princess what she wanted' I thought to myself as her lips met mine. 

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