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Emma's POV:

Maybe a wedding wasn't the best idea. Humans made it look so simple and elegant and easy...but in reality it's a nightmare. What kind of flowers, what's the guest list, centerpieces, venue, color scheme, what time, what date, what's the dress gonna look like, and hair, and makeup, who are the bridesmaids, what's the groom gonna look like, who are the groomsmen, are you doing first looks, writing vows, invitations...I was exhausted.

Poor Jack tried to help as much as he could but he was absolutely lost and confused so instead he turned his focus to me, telling me to move on to a different task or take a break when he could feel I was getting overwhelmed. When dawn broke, he tore me away from everything and brought me back to the bedroom, sometimes by force, and just held me when I slept, and letting me cry at times where I felt overwhelmed, never letting me apologize.

"Snowflake, this is something we talked about together. You didn't force me or talk me into doing anything." He said softly as he rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head. I thought my outlandish behavior was gonna push him away but he was right there.

I was talking with Katie and Laya about the different colors of certain flowers when Jack appeared behind me.

"Emma, can I tear you from this for a while?" I didn't look up from comparing colors when I answered.

"How long is a while, hun because I really need to-"

"Just a while." Hearing his insistence, I turned to face him, seeing a happy and slightly mischievous glint in his eyes. I hesitated for a moment before handing over my notes to Katie.

"Make sure they're ice blue, top 3 choices." She and Laya nodded as they continued comparing flowers to one another as I walked off, Jack quickly reaching for my hand.

"Emma you've been going nonstop and this stress is wearing you out. You've gotta relax." I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck.

"Yeah...I know. I just want everything to be perfect for both of us... it was supposed to be small and intimate but somehow it turned into this whole production..." He shook his head after I trailed off.

"We're getting away from wedding planning for a bit. No more talk of it." I gasped and stopped in my tracks, him halting and turning to look at me with an expectant smile.

"Jack I can't just stop, I still have to finish the flowers, then I have to work on centerpieces and-" He walked towards me, placing his hands on my cheeks and leaning down until his forehead touched mine.

"And all of it will be there when we get back. I need to take care of you. The wedding stuff can wait." I sighed and closed my eyes. I wasn't winning this fight, I knew it. Maybe he was right, I could feel every muscle in my body locked up and my head felt like it was in a vice.

Reluctantly I opened my eyes, sighed, then nodded. He smiled, causing me to smile in return. I couldn't help it that his smile was contagious. He gave me a quick kiss before grabbing my hand and walking again, leading me to...wherever we were going.

"Hey Jack, where are we going?" He turned and winked.

"You'll see." I rolled my eyes but allowed myself to be pulled along. We exited the factory, him pulling me up to fly as we continued. I don't even know how far we traveled but we eventually stopped at a field. I looked over at him and he smiled.

"Despite the fact that you can't feel the temperatur, I figured you might get tired of seeing...just snow." He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and I felt his nervousness and mild sadness in my chest. I gave him a hug and sighed.

"Jack...I don't care where I am as long as you're there beside me...but this is very thoughtful thank you. Will you stay here with me too?" He looked down for a moment.

"I figured you might...might want some alone time to unwind...besides I'll just freeze everything." I pulled away, putting my hand on his cheek.

"I'd rather be with you. If I get too caught up in my thoughts I'll head right back to North's." I said laughing. He sighed and smiled before nodding. He stopped mid-nod and looked over as we heard some teenagers beginning to enter the field. He looked over at me with a smirk.

"Go ahead." I said with a smile and an eye roll, laughing as he immediately took off. I watched him start off with a chilly breeze. He laughed as they pulled their thin sweaters around themselves tightly before continuing with their conversations about school and work. He started slowly, and farther away, sending a wave of frost towards them and only them, leaving the rest of the field untouched.

As the teens noticed the frost and the breeze, they began looking around. Jack started laughing as one tried pulling out his phone. He tapped it, causing the screen to frost over, which in turn caused the teens to start panicking more. Jack flew back over to me, laughing loudly as I laughed with him, watching the teens run off. We watched the frost slowly dissipate before he looked over at me.

"Are you feeling a little better?" I hadn't thought about it. I enjoyed watching him have fun more than anything and the peace and quiet really did help.

"Yeah I am, but can we do something else before heading back?"

"Sure, name it." He said, grabbing my hand as we slowly flew off. I tried to think of what he enjoyed doing most, remembering that I had once watched him get into a snowball fight with a couple of kids a while back. He looked like he never wanted to leave.

"Snowball fight?" He grinned wickedly and took off, me chasing after him before I tapped him on the back.

"TAG!" We continued playing tag in the sky until we reached his hometown of Burgess, him scanning the area before remembering that it was nighttime. His face fell slightly and I dove down, quickly grabbing a chunk of snow before flying back up and shoving it down the back of his sweater, laughing.

"Hey!" He cried out with a smile. We began chasing each other through the park, whipping snowballs back and forth while laughing before finally falling back into the snow and lying there, staring at the moon.


"I know...we'll have plenty of time for this afterwards though."

"Why did I think a wedding was a good idea?" I said quietly, more to myself than to him. He chuckled.

"Because they're pretty?"

"Hey, you said you'd been thinking of marriage too."

"Marriage doesn't mean wedding."

"Okay...okay I'll give you that. I mean, we could always cancel it." He looked at me for a long moment.

"If it's too much, cancel it. We could always do our vows in private, exchange the rings, and that could be it. It doesn't have to be all this." And I could feel it burning in both of us. That's what we really wanted.

"Okay." And we took off to tell everyone the change in plans.

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