We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals Part 2

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17 Years ago

"In five, four, three, two. This is Jim Hellerman, reporting live for Channel 2 News outside of the Capital West bank at Main and Sixth.
A group of heavily armed men stormed the bank not three hours ago and took an unknown number of hostages."

Allison walked up behind one of the robbers.

"Hey, get back with the others." He snarled.

"I heard a rumour"

"What did you say?"

"I heard a rumour that you shot your friend in the foot."

Suddenly the mans eyes glossed over and he turned around pointing the gun at his friends foot.

"Hey, dude. What the hell?"


"We just heard shots from inside the bank, It's uncertain if any hostages have been harmed in that. There's some movement on the roof. Possibly law enforcement."

It was in fact not law enforcement but Luther. He threw a man out of a window with no struggle at all.

"Looks like one of the armed robbers has been thrown from the bank."


A small dark haired boy came running.

"Guns are for sissies. Real men throw knives." Diego spoke his famous catch phrase throwing a knife at one of the robbers.

"Cute catch phrase Diego." Eight smirked running up behind the robber and turning herself into a zombie to scare the man. The man screamed and ran away as she laughed manically. Diego scoffed.


"I've been in many hostage situations, like this, and it can escalate very quickly."

"Get back, you freaks." One of the robbers spoke jumping onto a counter.

"Hey, be careful up there, buddy." Diego spoke with a smirk.

"Yeah, wouldn't want you to get hurt." Eight spoke with an equally smug smirk.

"Or what?" Five said teleporting behind him.

The robber turned around in shock trying to shoot Five. Before he could Five swapped his gun out for a stapler.

"oOh, that one BaD ass stapler." Five said with a voice crack.

"Nice voice crack, Five." Eight spoke chuckling.


"Although there's been no activity for a few minutes, we're gonna stay live on location to make sure we don't miss anything in this hostage situation at the Capital West bank."

"Do we really have to do this?" Ben said with a frown.

"Come on ben, theres more guys in the vault." Luther spoke in a harsh tone as Ben looked to me for help.

"It's okay Ben, we can watch that movie you were talking about after." She spoke smiling to him.

"I didnt sign up for this." He sighed walking into the room.

Ben's power was maybe the scariest of them all, I mean he literally has a death tentacle coming out of his stomach.

Everyone shielded their eyes from the disgusting sight of him throwing men around the room and ripping them in half.

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