Season 2 opening :)

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On April the 1st, 2019,

The Earth was destroyed
in a cataclysmic event.

Billions of people were wiped out
in a matter of minutes.

Ironically, the seven survivors
of the apocalypse

Were the very siblings who brought it on.

"HOLD ON! Thing's could get messy."



"That was..." Klaus spoke after falling out of a portal of some kind.

"Exhilarating." Ben finished for him. "Where's Five?"

"Huh? Five!" Klaus yelled screaming up at the empty sky from whence they came. "Diego! Y/n! Allison!"

"Where is everybody?" Ben questioned looking around at his surroundings.

"Oh, they're gone. They're gone, like a fart in the wind. Poof. Just me and you again. Great."

"I think the question is, "When are we?"" Ben spoke interrupting Klaus'.. speech.

"Hey! Hey! Excuse me. Sorry to bother you." Klaus spoke running up to a man wearing strange clothing. "Could you tell me what year this is, or what day?" The man weirded out by the weirdly dressed junkie, walked away. "Rude."

"Klaus! Get over here." Ben spoke, looking in a bin. "Look."

"Yeah, I mean, he's pretty my type, but I'd have to see him from the shoulders down." Klaus spoke looking at the man on the front cover of a newspaper.

"The date, you idiot."

""February 11, 1960"?" Klaus spoke reading the date of the newspaper. "1960."





Allison fell to the ground with a thud. She walked into the street unable to scream for help.

She decided to walk into a restaurant, everyone was.. White. She looked over at the man at the bar. He pointed above him to a sign. 'Whites only.'




"Oh shit."


Luther fell onto a dumpster, making an abnormally large dent.

"Diego! Five? Allison!" He yelled aloud in the pouring rain. "Allison! Allis... Allison!" An older man joined in.



September 01, 1963

Out fell Diego and Y/n, unlike the others they actually stuck the landing. In an almost a superhero pose. They looked up at the glimmering blue portal in the sky as it disappeared.

"Help! Someone help me!" They heard a woman yell. They turned the corner to a woman being robbed. The man who had just stolen the woman's purse made a run for it. Y/n froze the bag in place as Diego threw a knife his way, sticking his shirt to the pole while Diego grabbed the levitating handbag and handed it back to the lady. They heard some noise a little while away.

And so, my fellow Americans,

ask not what your country can do for you,

ask what you can do for your country.

The noise came from a rather bulky tv, with the USA's president in the 60's, 

John F. Kennedy.



October 12, 1963


Vanya landed flat on her face. With a bit of a headache she looked up at the portal as all the others did and decided she needed to use her fight or flight response or well.. Flight into ongoing traffic.

"OH NO!" A woman screamed from inside the car. "Son of a biscuit." She spoke as her and her son examined Vanya.



November 25, 1963

Five fell out of the portal he had made landing in a rather large puddle. He stood up examining his surroundings.

"Y/n! Luther! Diego!" He yelled looking back at the blue portal.

PEW PEW (Idk, it's a gun shot)

He turned around to see a full on war zone, buildings on fire, gunshots ricocheting everywhere a tank drove by men marching forward instantly getting shot. Fighter jets flew over. Five spotted a newspaper under some gravel and ran over to it.

"Soviets attack US?" He read aloud "No this can't be right."

"Hey kid! Get down!" A soldier yelled at Five.

"What the hell did we do now?" Five spoke as a turret from the tank next to him went off.

Vanya rose, stopping the turret with her powers and destroying it, Klaus used his powers to revive all of the fallen soldiers and send them at the enemy. Luther landed next to Klaus protecting him from a rocket of some sort. Ben ripped soldiers to shreds from on top of a building throwing them into the distance.

"Hey!" Allison yelled getting some of the soldiers attention. "I heard a rumour that you blew your minds." Their eyes glossed over and their heads exploded right then and there.

Diego dodged some bullets as Y/n jumped off of the car she was on and sprinted (Super speed) Behind those men that had shot at Diego.

"Hey dipshits, eat steel." She spoke as a metallic sentence appeared and she shot each word at the men impaling them.

"Five, you sick son of a bitch!" Diego yelled spotting Five.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Y/n yelled also noticing him, turning around. He went to spatial jump but was stopped by an unknown someone.

"If you wanna live, come with me." The man spoke.

"Hazel, what the hell are you doing here?" Five questioned.

"There's no time to explain." Hazel sighed. "Those are nukes, old-timer."

"What about my family?"

"You can't save em' if you're dead."

Five shook Hazels hand and they teleported away somewhere else as the rest of the umbrella academy looked up at their impending doom.


Word Count: 813 

AN: Ik this is short but it felt weird having this in the first chapter. Omg and the season 3 trailer looks so cool omgggg i'm so excited! :D

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