The Swedish Job

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"Oh. He isn't dead." Five sighed, we had just gotten back to Elliots house after calling out to Diego for a while. Turns out he was at Elliots with Lila.. With a stab wound.

"Who stabbed you?" I mumbled kinda disappointed I didn't get to see it.

"Dad." Diego replied.

"Disappointed?" Lila spoke relating back to Fives statement.

"Oh, to see you? Always." Five spat back.

"So much hostility in such a tiny package." She spoke looking over to the scratches on Fives neck. "Did you cut yourself shaving? I could teach you to shave like a big boy." She spoke making me chuckle to which Five shot me a glare.

"No, I just ran into an old family friend."

I heard a soft snoring noises coming from the corner and turned around to see Elliot still tied up. "You didn't untie him?"

"Was I supposed to?" She questioned as I ran to untie him.

"Of course you were, Lila."



"Hey, we got one. Hey, one of those machines you asked for is going crazy." Elliot yelled out to us.

After we saw him tied up we decided just for human decency we would untie him. Although I kinda regret it, the food he eats is foul.

"Which one?"

"It's the, uh, atmospheric radar."


"I don't get it. What are you tracking? A hurricane? A storm front?"

"Sound waves." I butted in.

"Sound waves." Elliot repeated.

"Wow. Wha-" Elliot spoke before noticing Five had spacial jumped away bringing me with him. "Where are you going?" He yelled to the empty space we once were.


The machine had lead us to a huge cornfield in the middle of nowhere.

"What was she doing here?" I asked following Five through the corn.

"Let's ask her." He spoke moving some corn out of the way to reveal Vanya.

"Hi Vanya." He spoke to the confused woman.

"Who are you?" She questioned looking us both up and down.

"I'm your brother, she's your sister." He spoke pointing to me. Damn our families weird.

"I have a brother AND  a sister?" She questioned making me quite confused. Did her powers really drain her so much that she can't remember us? Was this my fault?

"Look, you can either stay here and wait for the IKEA mafia to come back to kill you,
or you can come with us." Five spoke snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Why are they trying to kill me?"

"'Cause you're not supposed to be here, Vanya." I spoke starting to walk out of the corn.

"In Dallas?"

"No. Here, in 1963." Five continued as we walked up to a huge patch of corn, missing.

"Holy shit." Vanya spoke in amazement.

"Yeah, pretty wild, right? It's good to see your powers are still intact. Let's go."


We had gone to a local diner to speak to Vanya about her life for the past.. I don't know? Year? Few days?

"Leave the pot, dear." Five spoke as a lady poured him some coffee.

"Thank you." I spoke hitting him over the head. "She's probably had a long day, fuckhead."

"Lippy little shit." The lady spoke walking away.

"I thought u'd be nicer to me now that.. Well you know." Five spoke looking away from me, his cheeks glowing red.

"Now that we kissed? No, you're still a dick." I spoke smiling sarcastically.

"You gonna tell me what the hell's going on? I thought we were siblings?" Vanya questioned overhearing our conversation.

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