S3 - Meet The Family

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The Academy


"This isn't your home." Reginald spoke looking between all of us.

"What are you talking about?" Allison questioned. "This is the Umbrella Academy."

"Wrong again." Reginald sighed. "This... Is the Sparrow Academy."

"Dad, who the hell are these assholes?" Ben questioned.



 "Ben." Klaus smiled. 

"Is that really you?" Luther questioned walking closer to our dead brother.

"And who are the weirdos on the balcony?" Diego yelled looking up to the other people in uniforms on the balcony.

"They are the Sparrows." Reginald spoke up. "My children." 

Immediately after Reginald spoke everything around the academy started shaking.

"I'm sorry. What do you mean, your children?" Five questioned walking closer to Reginald. " That's not possible, old man."

"Of course it is!" Reginald spoke as the other people came down the stairs to stand in front of us. "I think I'd know, wouldn't I?"

"Everybody else can see Ben, right?" Klaus smiled pointing at Ben.

"Cute hat, Sundance." Ben spat making Klaus smile even more.

"They call themselves the Umbrella Academy," Reginald sighed now speaking to the sparrows. "A group of scheming, perfidious malcontents who accosted me in the fall of 1963 when I was away on business in Dallas. Be warned, they claim to be my spawn."  

"Claim?" Allison questioned in disbelief. "Look, Five, what the hell is going on?"

"I don't know yet, but it's concerning." He replied.

"Is he telling the truth?" The guy at the front of the sparrows questioned.

"Not the part about us being perfidious." Vanya explained. (Still Vanya at this part of the show.)

"No, we're amateur-fidious, at best." Klaus spoke making Vanya roll her eyes.  

"But we are his children. This is our house." Vanya explained.

"Yeah, yeah. We, uh... We grew up here." Luther spoke looking to the sparrows.

""Yeah, we grew up here."" The man with a melted face mocked as the others laughed.

"I kind of think we would have noticed you." A woman spoke.

"Hi. I'm Luther." Luther spoke to the woman smiling and putting out his hand.

"Jesus Luther, don't do this now." I scolded him.

"Okay. None of you belong here." Allison spoke desperately.

"Oh! Well, then. I guess we'll just pack our bags and move out." A woman with glasses spoke sarcastically making the others chuckle.

A floating box from behind them started lighting up and making noises making the others laugh.

"You slay me, Chris." Ben spoke still looking at us.

"What the fuck is that? A rubix cube?" I spoke pointing to the cube.

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