Five and Lila Fight Scene

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End of EP 5 and start of EP 6


When my pea-brained Ape of a Brother threw me off the stairs I teleported outside, while I was recovering a rock fell from the building above me. I looked up to see the one and only, Lila. As I said last time I saw her, "If I ever see you again I. Will. Kill. You." Sticking to my word I followed her to an abandoned warehouse which she used a rock to break the window. I teleported inside wanting to catch her by surprise, but as I suspected she's smarter than she looks and knew I was there. "Whats your game, crazy lady?"

"Who cares?" She spoke with a smile on her face. "You said if you saw me again, you'd kill me."

"Oh, I remember." I spoke with a sarcastic smile.

"Well come on big talker, let's get this done."

"Alright." I spoke teleporting behind her attempting to sweep her legs from under her but before I could she spun and kicked me in the face, chuckling she started to run away. Teleporting in front of her I got ready to fight, I threw a spin kick to which she dodged. I tried again and she dodged again. 'Shit, she's good.' I thought. She threw a punch to my face to which I tried to combat with a punch to hers but she dodged that as well, she kneed me in the stomach and tried to kick me in the face to which I dodged. I kicked her leg and swiftly sent a kick to her stomach pushing her back. She flipped over the table, I followed her around the table ready to fight. To my surprise she wasn't there, I turned around trying to find her. I saw her at the other side of the warehouse leaning on a wall smiling at me. I teleported and once again she was no longer there. 'What the fuck?' I thought. I heard her laugh from behind me, she was leaning on a pillar smiling once again. I looked behind me and picked up a pipe, teleporting to her ready to hit her as soon as I teleported. Instead of hitting her I hit the thing she was leaning on as she had disappeared once again. I turned around to see her directly behind me throwing a kick to which I dodged and swept her legs finally hitting her onto the ground. Getting to my feet, I walked over to her and put my foot over her throat so she wouldn't move.

"You're better than I thought." She spoke looking up at me trying to get my foot off of her.

"And you're entirely average." I spoke with a fake smile. "You can come out now."

Through the door walked The Handler, alive. "Well done, you figured it out."

"Well it wasn't hard, she fights like every one of you commission drones." 

"Hmm, no matter. Here we are, together again. I gotta ask." She spoke taking the cigarette out of her mouth. "Did you miss me, you little shit?"

I glared at her as Lila laughed.

"You've got a good nose." The Handler continued as Lila struggled under my foot. 

"You know, planting her in a psych ward, taking advantage of my simpleton brother, that was smart."

"Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." The Handler spoke looking at me for my reaction to this new information.

"She's your..." I looked down to the woman struggling under my foot. "Daughter?"

"Yes. And she's my only one, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't crush her windpipe."

With that I removed my foot, thinking maybe The Handler could still help my family get back to 2019.

Getting up Lila walked closer to me. "I am so going to enjoy killing you someday." To which I smiled.

"Lila, darling, would you give us a minute, please?" The Handler spoke up from behind her.

"Yes, the grown-ups need to talk." I spoke smiling at Lila to which she rolled her eyes and walked away, knocking something over out of anger.

"What is it you want?" I spoke suspicious of what The Handler would go to all this trouble for.

"Do you like jazz, Five?" She questioned.

"I'd rather lick a cheese grater." I spat.

"Aww." She smiled sending a shiver up my spine. "Jazz is like a beautiful woman. Complex, emotional, hard to please. She doesn't just give it to you... she makes you work for it."

"I'm really hoping that you're going somewhere with this."

"Under my leadership, the Commission would sound more like.. Jazz." She spoke smiling at me once more.

"And what about the board of directors?" I questioned.

"Well, that's where you come in." She spoke poking me on the nose. God when does this woman stop being creepy.

"Nope. No, it isn't." I spoke in confusion. 

"In exchange for the assassination of the board, I'm willing to get you and your family
out of this timeline and back to 2019 where you belong." She spoke walking behind me.

"And what about World War III that's due to kick off in just a few days?"

"Once you and your siblings are gone, that goes away."

"And the apocalypse when we get back to 2019?" I questioned hopeful but still sceptical.

"That too."

"I distinctly remember you telling me that that apocalypse had to happen, that it was supposed to happen." 

"Back then I was toeing the company line, but once I'm in charge.. We can riff.." She hummed a Jazz tune.

"Jazz." I spoke.


"What about the board of directors, hmm? I mean, nobody knows who they are."

"Correct. But once every fiscal quarter, they get together for a board meeting." The Handler spoke.


"The question is when. They meet somewhere in the timeline but never in the same place twice. The exact location and date of these board meetings is the most closely-guarded secret in the Commission." She explained.

"But you know where it's gonna be, don't you?" 

"Would I be any good at what I do if I didn't?" She spoke walking over to me.

"I need some time to think about it." I spoke walking away.

"Fine. But remember, doomsday's right around the corner, and the way things are going, I'm your only option." Hearing her say this I scoffed and turned around.

"Not yet you aren't."

Word Count: 1063

AN: Thought I'd have a whole chapter dedicated to it rather than just putting it straight after the drunk scene. 

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