The Frankel Footage

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Diego, Lila and I had now escaped and were hiding behind a car as a police car went by.

"This way." Diego spoke running across the road to an alleyway.  "All right, we can't stay here too long. They're gonna be looking for us."

"The cops?" I questioned.

"Or those large Scandinavian fellas?" Lila questioned. "with guns?"

"Both." Diego spoke running and jumping onto a bin and grabbing some clothes

"What are you doing?" Lila and I questioned.

"Y/n and I aren't gonna get very far dressed like a lobotomy case." Diego responded throwing some clothes down to Lila and I.

" Diego responded throwing some clothes down to Lila and I

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(Something like this to Y/n.)

"You mean, Y/n, you and I?" Lila questioned.

"Look, I appreciate your help, But now, we... Oh." Diego spoke turning around seeing Lila getting dressed then and there. "Now we go our separate ways."


"Because they're gonna be looking for us. Together. We stand a better chance on our own."

"You need me. We make a good team. Also what about Y/n they're looking for her to, no?"

"Mm-mm. Too dangerous, and she's my sister."

"You didn't think it was so dangerous back in the fun house when I saved your ass, or did you forget?" Lila spoke as Diego grabbed me and tried to run away.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." Lila spoke hiding her and Diego behind a pole while the cops went by while I hid behind the car. "Your fly's undone. Gotcha."

"What is wrong with you?" Diego spoke obviously uncomfortable.

"Come on, we'll take my car." Lila spoke walking over to the car I was hiding behind.

"What car?"

"This one." She spoke picking up a rock and smashing the window stepping in.

"Hey." Diego spoke as I jumped in the back.

"What? You don't like the colour?" Lila spoke starting the engine. "Stop being a princess and get in!" Lila yelled.


"You know the other window was open, right?" Diego questioned Lila's choice of breaking the window.


We had parked outside of where Lee Harvey Oswald works so Diego could.. Idk what he's doing actually.

"All right, here's the plan: Oswald finishes his shift at 4:30 p.m. Once he walks out those doors, we force him into the front seat." Diego explained.

"I'm in the front seat." Lila spoke.

"Okay, fine." He spoke looking back at me. "In the back seat." To which I nodded with a mischievous grin.

"You're like 13, are you not scared of a murderer being in the back with you?" Lila questioned seeing my smile.

"Trust me, Lila. You don't wanna see me when i'm angry." I smiled creepily to which she shivered and turned around.

"You're gonna pin his arms, I'm gonna cut off his trigger finger and tell him he has 24 hours to exit Dallas." Diego continued.

"That's your plan?" Lila questioned.

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