The Majestic 12

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"What do you think happened to Luther? He seemed really depressed." I spoke after a while of comfortable silence. We were now waiting outside for Vanya by the car.

"I don't know, maybe he's just missing being alone without us bugging him." Five sighed. "I mean he didn't really give a shit when I told him the world was ending, maybe he gave up."

"Yeah but he wouldn't just, give up. There has to be a motiv-" I was interrupted by Luthers hand smashing through the brick wall to his room. "How pleasant."

"Very." Five replied laughing to himself. "Well, that clearly went well. You ready to go?" He continued walking with Vanya as she exited the building in a rush.

"I'm going back to the farm." She replied not having it.

"Hey. Unacceptable, Vanya. Remember, we need to stick together."

"Oh, why, so I don't end the world again?" She spat.

"That stupid ape mother fucker." I mumbled. "I told you it would bit you in the ass." I called after Five.

"Were you even gonna tell me?" Vanya yelled at the both of us.

"You know what? In my defence, no. All right?" Five spat back.

"And can you blame him?" I spoke pushing Five behind me and going up to her. "When you get angry, the world ends." I spoke putting my hands up in the air in frustration.

"Great. Are there any other family secrets you failed to mention?" she spoke getting into her car closing the door.

"A boatload, Vanya, which we don't have the luxury of sharing them with the..." Five continued through Vanya's closed window. He saw she wasn't going to open it so he knocked.

"The clock is ticking on doomsday." He sighed after she winded her window down. "Just tell me that when I need you, you'll be ready."

"I can't help you, Five. I don't even know who I am."

"You're our sister." Five continued as she started the engine.

"And a member of the Umbrella Academy. Like it or not, that's who you are." I continued.

"Look, that's who I was, okay? New timeline, new me." She spoke making me scoff.

"No, that's not how it work-" Five tried to speak but she drove away. Looking to the hole in the wall where Luther was, he flipped us off. "Wonder if it's too late to be un-adopted." 

"It'd make life so much better." I sighed happily imagining it. 


"So, what, you just let her go?" Diego questioned us.

"Well, Vanya had a lot to process. She'll come around. I know she will."

"What about the guys that went after her?" I questioned.

"The Swedes?"

"Yeah, I mean, how do you know they won't go after her again?" Diego questioned.

"We don't."

"Any idea who sent them?" Lila spoke taking a sip of her drink.

"Oh, I have my suspicions." Five smiled fakely at her.

"But right now, our priority is finding Dad and getting answers, 'cause everything else depends on it."

"Which, for the record, I found him already." 

"And then let him go before we could have a meaningful conversation." Five replied sitting down and smiling sarcastically.

"He stabbed me."

"I'm surprised he waited this long, Diego. We've all had the urge." 

"Hey! Y/n hasn't, right Y/n?" Diego questioned me.

"Uhh, next topic." I spoke turning to Five with a fake smile on my face.

"Good one." Lila spoke putting her hand out to give five, a high five. Hm, I thought high fives weren't invented until like the 70s?

"Good thing I know where Dad's gonna be tonight." Five continued ignoring Lila and handing Diego a piece of paper.

"Where'd you get this?"

"Found it at his office." Five spoke.

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