Auf Wiedersehen

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(Diverts from the show a bit but I just wanted to add this so just pretend this happened when Y/n and Five got back and Y/n wanted to check up on Diego.)

After I passed out I was awoken when Five had finally finished the tattoo.

"Shit how long was I out?" I questioned.

"Few hours." Five sighed. "Anyway, we gotta get back to the hotel. Come on."


"Where's Stan?" I questioned Lila and Diego as I walked into the hotel to which I was greeted with sad frowns.

"Kugelblitzed." Diego said plainly.

"Oh my god, i'm so sorry. Why is it always the people I like? You three better not get kugelblitzed." I spoke pointing to Diego, Lila and Five to try and lighten the mood to which they chuckled slightly. "Hey Diego? Can I talk to you?"


We decided the best place to talk would be far away from the rest of our siblings and Lila so we sat on the couches in the front lobby of the hotel.

"What happened to your hand?" I questioned looking to his bandaged hand.

"Long story, what did you want to talk about?" He questioned not making eye contact.

"Did someone do that?" I questioned.

"What did you want to walk about?" He questioned still ignoring the question.

"Diego, I just want to know that your ok-" Before I could finished he got up from his seat.

"I don't have time for this." He spoke walking away.

"Diggy wait."

Hearing the childhood nickname Diego turned around.

"You haven't called me that since we were like 14." He sighed still not looking me in the eyes.

"Look, i'm really sorry." I sighed standing up and walking to where he was. "I thought you killed Klaus, I got out of control. I didn't even know I had those powers."

"I know." He sighed still making no eye contact.

"Diego, look at me." I spoke in a sincere voice as he slightly looked up and made eye contact with me. "I would never hurt you, or Stan. you were and always will be my favourite sibling, and if I or anyone else were to ever hurt you I would never forgive myself."

"R-R-" He struggled to get the word out.

"Picture the word in your mind." I smiled reminding him of what Mum used to always say.

"R-Really?" He spoke tears filling his eyes.

"Of course." I smiled tears filling my eyes as well. "You always were and always will be my 'big' bro."

Before I could say anything else he threw his arms around me in a hug.

"I miss your hugs." I smiled. "I haven't had one in ages."

"Diego time to g-" Lila spoke walking over to us. "Oh my god, you two are so cute. How come I never get hugs?"

"We're having a moment, Lila." I spoke to her still hugging Diego not wanting to let go.

"I see and I don't want to disturb you weirdos but Five said he wanted you." She replied walking closer to us.

"It can wait." I spoke as Diego broke away from the hug.

"It's fine, you can go." He replied smiling at me and wiping away the tear on my cheek.


"Y/n, i'm fine." He reassured me.

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