Right Back Where We Started

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Hazel and Five appeared outside of a children's clothing store.

"Okay, what the hell was that?" Five spoke looking around at his surroundings.

"The end of the world, November 25. 1963."

"63.." Five spoke finally realising what position he had put his siblings in. "You know Hazel, i'm not history buff, but I don't recall there being a nuclear holocaust."

"No shit."

"What about my family?"

"Dead, like everyone else."

"And where am I now?"

"Dallas, same street, 10 days earlier." Hazel spoke walking over to a bench to sit down. "Plenty of time to restore the timeline and save them."

"Okay, so where do we start?" Five spoke sitting down next to Hazel on the bench.

"We? You're on your own, pal. I'm just here to keep a promise to Agnes."

"Is she.."



"Cancer, took her quick. But we had a good 20 years together, I guess forever just wasn't in the cards."

"I'm sorry Hazel."

Across from them a van pulled up, 3 men with platinum blonde hair got out of it.

"What about the commission?"

"I quit those assholes, remember? I don't own 'em the fuzz off my peaches."

Five looked over to see the 3 platinum blonde men walking their way with an arsenal of weapons.

"When then, who the hell are those guys?" Five questioned standing up.

"Shit, run." Hazel spoke slipping something into Fives pocket and throwing him the briefcase. They shot Hazel. Five teleported across the street behind a car wheel holding the briefcase that now held many bullet holes. The men patrolled the area on the search for Five when they saw smoke coming from behind the car Five was behind. "How many times did I say 'bulletproof briefcases?'" Five questioned to himself assessing the damage. He looked over the car to see the 3 men walking his way, guns still in hand. He took this time to spatial jump on top of the roof above leaving the steaming briefcase behind.

The men turned a corner to see a man loading a milk truck.

Five teleported down from the roof and onto the alley he had appeared in those few moments or technically days in the future. He walked down the alley spotting a man walking away from a window with a camera set up on the roof of the same building. He decided to pick up the pace and interrogate this man. The door read, 'Monty's television and radio.'  Instead of using the door like a normal person he spacial jumped through the door and on the stairs inside the building. Walking up the stairs and knocking on the door that read 'Mortimer Gussman D.D.S' he was greeted by a very anxious looking man. 

"What do you want?" The man spoke looking around to see if anyone else was there.

"Hi, I'm selling encyclopaedias for my youth group. I was curious if-" Before Five could finish the man closed the door on his face. Five decided, Fuck it and teleported in. The man screamed and scattered around trying to find a weapon. 

"How'd you do that?" The man spoke pointing a knife of some kind at Five.

"Don't really have time to explain."

"Are you from the pentagon? Huh?"

"Definitely not."


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