A Light Supper

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"Diego, this is a setup." Luther spoke with a mouth full as he examined what we had just been given by dear old Dad himself.

"No shit." I spoke earning an offended look from him.

"Maybe. But we should go anyway." Diego spoke to my surprise.

"Says the guy who's already been stabbed once this week." Luther spoke looking to me confused as well.

"Oh, don't worry, me and him are gonna have words." Diego replied.

"Would you tell him that he's nuts?"  Luther questioned looking to Vanya and I.

"I think we should go." Vanya perked up.

"See?" Diego spoke knowing he'd won the argument.

"Vanya, of all people, you should hate Dad the most." Luther continued in disbelief to which I looked at him with a 'don't go there.' look.

"Come on, can he really be that bad?" Vanya questioned.

"Okay, well, let's see." Luther said seeing my warning glare and ignoring it. "He isolated you
from the rest of the family."

 "Kept you hopped up on pills." Diego butted in.

"And he brainwashed you into thinking you had no powers." I continued.

"Jesus, this guy..." Vanya looked to the ground making me feel genuinely bad for her.


"I mean, come on, I have to meet him." Vanya spoke giving Diego and I an excited look to which I smiled.

"You already know how this is gonna go." Luther spoke pointing to Diego and I, me giving him a shit-eating grin.

"Dad is gonna play all his little mind games on us, get into our heads, and he's gonna turn us all
against each other. You watch." Luther continued still not giving up.

"Luther, we're not 12 anymore. All right? We're grown-ass men." Diego sighed. "And women. Hey. We can handle him. Wanna know what's different this time?"

"What's that?"

"You got me. We go in there as a united front. No more "Number One," "Number Two" bullshit. From now on, it's..."

"Team Zero!" I spoke from next to Diego.

""Team Zero"?" Luther questioned me.

"Team Zero. All the way." Diego spoke looking at me with a proud smile and putting his fist out to fist bump the others and me, only me fist-bumping him back. (I wrote fish bump 😭.)


"Wait up." Diego spoke walking to the closing elevator me following closely behind.

"Five? What are you doin he-" I questioned being cut off by another familiar voice.

"Hold it." Allison spoke followed by Klaus.

"Hey, everyone." He spoke almost running into the wall, Vanya walked in after.

"Excuse me." Luther spoke standing in the front.

"Good. We're all here." Five spoke almost disappointedly from beside me.


We were on about floor 7 when I smelt this foul smell.

"Oh..." Allison gagged after sniffing the air.

"Oof." Five and Vanya spoke disgustedly.

"Luther, I told you you should've eaten all those eggs!" I yelled covering my nose.


"Oh, my God."

"Sorry, I'm nervous." He apologised shortly followed by the elevator dinging and all of us fighting for breath to get out of the elevator and away from Luther. 

"Nasty. I'm choking!" Five spoke almost falling out of the elevator me grabbing him before he could.

"Drama queen." I mumbled.

"Excuse me?"



We walked into a very tropical looking room called the 'tiki lounge.'

"All right, when Dad gets here, I'll do the talking, okay?" Five announced finding the best seat, me sitting next to him.

"Got a few questions for him myself." Diego spoke.

"Hey, we don't wanna scare him off. He might be able to help us stop doomsday, get us home." Five continued.

"No, we need to figure out why he's planning to kill the president." Diego counteracted.

"This is a matter of life and death, you imbecile." Five spat making me chuckle.

"Okay, yeah, maybe we should take turns talking. Yeah?" Vanya spoke. "Here, whoever has got this conch shell gets to talk."

"Vanya, we don't have time for a debate, okay?" Five retorted.

"Maybe I should lead. We all know I'm a better public speaker than the rest." Allison spoke while holding the conch making me scoff.

"Okay, Daddy's girl." Diego mumbled as I high-fived him.

"Oh, jealous, Number Two?" She spoke smirking at him.

"Hey, no more numbers. No more bullshit. We're Team Zero." He spoke looking at me and the others.

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