The Seven Stages

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"Now what?" Luther questioned watching Five pace around while I ran from Klaus trying to hug me.

"Now nothing, Luther, all right?" Five sighed throwing his hands in the air in anger. "Make your peace with God."

"What?" Luther questioned in disbelief.

"Yeah, what? What about the others?" I spoke while being hugged by Klaus, trying to escape.

"Screw the others. They should have been here." Five spoke kicking a box out of anger.

"So you've really given up? After 22 years?" I yelled slightly.

"I was better off on my own in the apocalypse." He spoke looking at me.

"Five! Come on." Luther yelled after Five as he walked inside.

Did Five really mean that? He was better off when we were all dead?

"You know what, Luther? It's every sibling for themselves now. How 'bout that?" Five spoke closing the door.

"Did Five just get meaner?" Klaus spoke breaking away from the hug.

"Klaus, go check on Allison, okay? Make sure she's okay." Luther sighed going after the angry bitch. "Find the others and we'll meet back here. Y/n and I will handle Five." He spoke grabbing me.

"HEY! I don't want to deal with that little bitch!" I yelled trying to escape Luther.

"You're literally the same size." He mumbled as we walked inside.


"Hey! Five, doomsday is still coming." Luther spoke running up the stairs after Five, dragging me along with him. "We gotta think of a new plan."

"Don't you get it, Luther? It's over, all right? We're already dead." Five spoke reaching the top of the stairs.

"Then where are you going?" Luther questioned finally letting go of me.

"I'm going to do the unthinkable."

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" I questioned following Five.

"I was really hoping it wouldn't come to this."

"Come to what, Five?" Luther spoke as he followed closely behind me.

"Fiv-" I tried to speak to him but he slammed the door in my face. "What a dick, I can't believe I thought I liked him." Suddenly I heard a whoosh and was in a room.

"You didn't mean that did you?" Five questioned standing in front of me.

Walking to leave the room I spoke. "I meant it as much as you meant you wanted us all dead." He grabbed my arm and didn't let me leave.

"Come on, you know I didn't mean that." He spoke making me face him.

"Do I?" Snatching my arm back I walked out of the room.


While Luther went to take a nap I had decided to sit next to him, what a big mistake. He kicked me off the couch so now I was sitting on the floor reading To Kill a Mockingbird that I had found on Elliot bookshelf.

I heard the fridge door open and apparently so did Luther because without knowing he kicked me in the head.

"Morning, dickheads." I spoke slapping Luther upside the head and sitting back on the couch as Luther got up and went to go investigate what the grandpa was doing.

"Five, what..." Luther questioned when he entered the kitchen. "You okay?"

"I'm gonna need to be hydrated." Five sighed after gulping a whole litre of water.

"Hydrated?" I questioned shoving the book into a bag I had found and walking into the kitchen as Five shoved baby powder down his pants. "And what's with the baby powder down your pants?"

"It'll help with the itching." He smiled creepily to me making me grimace.

"What itching? There's itching?" Luther questioned. "What the hell is going on here?"

"He has a plan, ape brain." I replied boredly as I leaned on the wall.

"Well, it's a desperation move, but..." Five Sighed. "Since our brain-dead siblings are incapable of meeting a simple deadline, I got no choice."

"No choice about what?" I questioned as Five walked over to the couch throwing his blazer over his shoulders.

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