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"I don't tattoo children." Pogo spoke turning back to his client.

"Swell, we're not here for the ink." Five walking closer to him. "We're here because we have a mutual friend."

"Sir Reginald Hargreeves." I spoke also walking closer to Pogo 

"Whatever he wants, I'm not interested." Pogo sighed.

"I don't think you understand." Five sighed desperate for Pogo's help. "We're his children. From another timeline."

"Well 2 of 8." I spoke as Pogo furrowed his eyebrows in utter confusion

"Another timeline?" He questioned. 

"As crazy as it sounds, we have met before. Back in 1963, when you were a diaper-wearing chimp in dire need of a manicure." Five smiled slightly. "I don't know if you remember, but I have a scar to prove it." He spoke showing pogo the scar on his neck.

"If what you're saying is true, I'd be talking to a man and woman well into their sixties." Pogo dismissed. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I've had a very long day."

"Pogo, you need to listen to us." I spoke trying to get him to stop only to be grabbed by one of the men from before.

"Don't touch her." Five warned as the man let go of my arm and threw me back to where Five was. 

"Time to go home to Mommy, li'l guy." He teased. 

"Or what?" Five question grabbing my arm and spacial jumping us out of the building.

"Again." I frowned trying to steady myself.

"Yeah I know, but honestly you should be used to it by now." Five replied walking up to a man next to his motor bike. "Shit. Hey, I need your bike. It's an emergency."

"Think you have me confused with someone who gives a shit." The man spat.

"Give me the bike or else-" As he finished his sentence the man drove away. "Okay! Be right back."

Spacial jumping away I saw him jump on the bike the man was driving and throw him off stopping it so I could catch up. Using my super speed I sprinted to it. "Thanks." I spoke as I hopped on the back throwing my arms around his waist to keep myself stable.


"Hey, Do u wanna talk about it?" Five questioned me. We had been driving for a while and we had finally come to a country road with barely any vehicles or noise other than the bike.

"About what?" I questioned knowing full well what he was talking about.

"You know, Allison. If you don't want to you obviously don't have to but.." He sighed. "Come on, you know you can talk to me."

"Well it's the same thing that happened to Viktor." I frowned remembering. "Allison rumoured both of us to forget our powers, how can you forgive someone for that?"

"I know it might be hard to forgive, especially because of how shit of a sister she's been to you. But I know she cares about you, as does everyone else." He sighed turning slightly back but keeping his eyes on the road. "Just give her some time to deal with her daughter, she'll come around to apologising one day or another."

"You really think so? I do feel bad for her but I just don't see why it's our fault that her daughters gone." I sighed leaning my head on Fives back.

"Yeah, she just needs time to adjust as did Viktor when he found out."

After that we fell into a comfortable silence for a while until Five spoke up.

"You said you've met Claire." He spoke. "What's she like?"

"She's a lot like her Mother." I chuckled. "She likes to stand up for herself and she's honestly one of the sweetest kids i've ever met."

"Did she ever ask about me?"

"Yeah, every time Viktor or I would come over she'd ask about you." I sighed.

"What'd you say?"

"We told her that you went to travel the world." I smiled. "That you were off having one of the most amazing adventures ever. She always wanted to meet you, called you 'adventure boy.'"

Five chuckled hearing this. "I hope if we survive this, I'll get to meet her."

"We will survive this, Five. We always do."


After a long drive we finally reached the place where we followed Pogo, a caravan in the middle of nowhere.

"Can I help you?" A woman questioned as we walked up to her.

"Need a word with Pogo." Five spoke looking around for where Pogo might be.

"Ain't no Pogo here, pumpkin." She spoke. "Okay. So I suggest you get your ass off my property before I call a truant officer."

"It's okay, Tammy." We heard Pogo speak from the caravan. "Let the children in." 


"You're either dumb or desperate." Pogo spoke cocking a gun under the desk we were sat at. (Is that the right word? 😭) "Which is it?"

"You tell me." Five spoke slamming his ham looking skin on the table. 

"That looks like my work." Pogo spoke examining the tattoo. "But I never did that tattoo." 

"Not yet, you haven't." Five spoke keeping eye contact on Pogo. "I cut it off my 100-year-old self."

"Ah, so desperate it is."

"You would be too if you knew the entire universe were at stake." I spat.

"So it's happened." Pogo inhaled sharply, decocking the gun and grabbing a book. "Hmm. Ah, here it is. Look familiar? Reggie was obsessed with these symbols. It's a sigil. A symbol thought to have magical powers."

"Dad believed in science, facts. I didn't respect much about the old man, but I respected that. Hoo-ha was not his thing. It's gotta have a rational meaning." Five spoke making me question the choice of 'hooha'.

"I don't know, but he referred to it as Project Oblivion."

"Oh shit, is this what future you was on about?" I questioned Five to which he nodded.

"Maybe, this project. I need to know more."

"It was a kamikaze mission. He was preparing the Sparrow children with the expectation they might never return. That's why I gave the children those pills, to keep them safe from him." Pogo explained.

"Well, my drug brother just got him sober. Go figure." Five sighed.

"Then Project Oblivion is starting again, and you are all in danger." Pogo spoke leaning back in his chair.

"Then I should probably get that ink. Complete the loop." Five responded.


"Are you sure?"

"Oh, I don't think destiny cares whether I am or not." Five replied starting to undress.

"Bitch is cruel, ain't she?" Tammy spoke from behind us.

"Well then, let's get started." Pogo spoke pulling out the needle.

"I'm gonna pass out." And before any one could say anymore they heard a thud and I was on the floor.


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