This Shouldn't Happen Here

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Shift: Tuesday night - Minho, Jeongin, Hyunjin (Jisung did an unexpected double so Chan gave him the day off)

Minho: Hey Innie, do you want to see my collection of toys real quick?

Jeongin: Toys? Sure!

*Jeongin walks back towards the manager computer, where Minho is opening a NSFW website*

Minho: Yeah, so this is the type of stuff I like to use.

Jeongin: *goes pale* Umm, hyung?

Minho: Yeah?

Jeongin: Are these the kind of toys I think they are?

Minho: Umm...

Jeongin: I don't want to know what you do in your sex life. Do I need to be into this kind of thing to get a partner someday? Is it even okay for you to show me this during work? *starts to cry*

Minho: Aww, Innie, don't cry. I'm sorry.

*Hyunjin comes back into the store and Jeongin rushes towards him and hugs him*

Hyunjin: What's wrong, Innie?

Jeongin: Hyungie showed me his toy collection and now I know I'm going to be single forever because I don't want to do stuff like that.

Hyunjin: Toy collection? *has to think for a second because seriously, WHO DOES THAT, then glares at Minho* Hyung what the fuck? What you do in your happy fun time is none of our business. That's so gross, dude. What made you think that was a good idea to show our innocent little Innie that?

Jeongin: No one is ever gonna love me if I'm not kinky, Jinnie. *continues sobbing into Hyunjin's shoulder*

Hyunjin: Boss, I need to sit with Innie and calm him down, can you make this delivery for us?

Minho: Why?

Hyunjin: Hey, you're the one that caused the problem that I'm trying to fix here. The least you can do is make a damn sandwich and do your actual job and not traumatize our little angel.

Minho: I guess you're right... *grumbles and starts making the order*

(A/N: Yes, my first assistant did actually go on the actual work computer and show me his collection. It was one of the first times I seriously had an existential crisis over my sexuality. Ah, the good old days before new ownership. The days where my manager watched a p*** video with an underage employee making 'noises' while I made sandwiches and tried to ignore my existence. I learned years later this is considered sexual harassment. Who knew!)


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