I Remember Another Story...I'm So Sorry Hannie :(

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(A/N: The manager/driver flirting obviously didn't happen, but the rest, including the general direction of the phone calls, is true as far as I can remember. The stupid shit I put up with for this job istg. I'm so glad I'm gone!)

Shift: Sunday night - Minho, Jisung

Jisung: *looks at the 6 deliveries on the front counter* Okay, I think I know where I'm going. I have everything. *takes a deep breath as the phone rings* Shit. *rushes to the phone* Hello? Yeah, it's probably going to be 45 minutes to an hour, is that okay...*looks at Minho frustrated as another delivery ticket prints out* Okay, anything else? *sees it's 25 minutes before close and tries not to sigh* Thank you, we'll be there as soon as we can.*hangs up*

Minho: Babe, can you help... *phone rings again* Never mind, grab that.

Jisung: Hello? Just to let you know it's going to be at least an hour...that's okay? Okay, what can I get for you? *says that sentence louder so Minho can hear and shakes his fist at the sky*

Time warp to Jisung delivering (4 of 9)

"I have to hurry! Shit!"

Jisung rushed to the door and rang the doorbell, tapping his foot impatiently. He already was inconvenienced enough by going to an obscure road to get here, but at least his next two deliveries were relatively close by. He kept repeating the route in his head as the customer opened the door.

"Thanks, have a good night!" He said as friendly as he could through his increasing anxiety.

The door shut in his face and he rolled his eyes as he rushed towards the street. He took a step or two past the sidewalk and realized there was a hill between him and his car. Before he knew it, he lost his footing and fell. He tried to drag his foot sideways for traction, but the right side of his face hit the pavement and slid, a horrible noise ringing in his ears. Despite being in a hurry, he closed his eyes to rest as his face started to sting. When he looked up, he saw his car door right above his head. Another foot further, he thought, and I would have been knocked unconscious.

After catching his breath, he carefully pushed himself off the ground and got his legs underneath him that were still partially on the hill. He was a little surprised no one from the house looked out, but they were probably enjoying their sandwiches and chips by now. He took a few more deep breaths, pain starting to spread across his cheek, and called Minho.

"Hey Sungie, what's up?" Jisung started to drive, focusing all his energy on the next delivery address.

"Min, I scraped my face on the pavement and I'm freaking out. It hurts..."

The phone connected to his car cut out, and Minho was no longer there.

Time warp to traveling to delivery 9/9

With one delivery left, Jisung felt significantly calmer, until he heard his phone ring.


"Hey love." Jisung smiled. "Have you delivered to the old guy yet?"

"I'm on my way there. He had to be last with my route."

"Okay. You scared me earlier when your phone disconnected."

"I'm okay, you'll see when I get back."

"What do you mean 'you'll see?'" Minho sounded confused and worried. Jisung was happy the pain in his face was starting to lessen.

"Do I have any other deliveries?"

"Yep. You have three more."

"Oh my God whyyyyyyy" Jisung whined.

"Just take a deep breath and focus on what you need to do. We can cuddle later if you want."

"I can't wait!" He could hear Minho smile on the other end.

"See you soon, Sungie."

"Love you most!"

Jisung hung up before Minho could respond and turned left across three lanes of the main road. He dodged multiple potholes on his way to the apartment building. The old man, as Jisung thought of him, was quite sweet, but he never tipped. Luckily he made at least $35 on this run alone so it wasn't that bad. He put his hazard lights on in front of the door and hustled with the bag and drink. He entered the building code, rushed up to the third floor via the stairs instead of the elevator, and knocked on the door.

"Hey." The smoke smell came wafting out to the hall, his heavy and hooded eyes looking disappointed.

"Hello, I'm so sorry for the late delivery." Jisung bowed his head as he held out the man's drink and food. He didn't even look for a signature on the receipt.

(A/N: I bow all the time irl because I learned in an elementary school textbook that people in eastern cultures bow to show respect, and it kind of stuck as a habit.)

"It took an hour and a half."

"I know."

"I'm right down the road from you."

"It's been a crazy night." Jisung turned his right cheek towards the old man. He became silent and grabbed the food from Jisung. "Have a good night."

Jisung waited until the door closed 75% of the way and rushed off to get back to the store.

Jisung rushed in and out of the store so fast Minho didn't notice his cheek. Delivery 3/3 of that night (A/N: I swear I'm not making this up...)

Jisung walked into the hospital emergency room, since the outpatient wing closed almost 2 hours ago now. Not only did he desperately want this night to be over, but the irony didn't escape him that he was at a hospital with his scraped cheek.

"Hello!" Jisung greeted the young man behind the counter, who was always quite friendly to him.


"Umm, do you know what I could put on this?" Jisung decided to ask while he was there while waiting for the doctor to come out to get his food.

"Neosporin, I guess? Put something cold on it too to help the swelling."


Back to the store *Old school TV show Batman transition*

Jisung walked into the store and saw it was a little before 10:30, when the store was supposed to close at 9. Doing 12 deliveries in that amount of time was decently impressive, he thought. He was trying to recompose himself, and jumped when he saw Minho staring at his cheek from a foot away.

"Is this what you meant by 'you'll see?'" Minho didn't touch Jisung's cheek and just studied it.


"You realize I'll have to write an incident report about this, right?"

"I guess? Can't we just do it tomorrow?"

"I'll get in trouble, but it's fine." Minho gave Jisung a sly smile and held him in a close hug. "I got scared when the phone cut out."

"Me too."

Jisung relaxed in Minho's arms, realizing how tense he had gotten throughout the night. He had no idea what his right cheek looked like. From Minho's reaction, he imagined it wasn't good.

"Do I look ugly now?"

Minho shook his head. "You'll always be my beautiful boyfriend."

"Aww, thanks Min."

They looked in each other's eyes for a while longer before leaving the store hand in hand. It was a crazy and abnormal night, but they got through it together.

(A/N: When I left, it was about 8:45 when we closed at 9. I got back that night somewhere between 10:15 and 10:30. Why did it seem like nothing was clean if the last delivery was made probably at 9:30 at the latest? Huh, I never thought of that. Also, neither one of us knew how to fill out an incident report which is why we put it off. You'll see the GM's reaction the next day when I showed up.)

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