Adventures From The Road! (Part 1)

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(A/N: So I guess since Minsung are together now, I'm treating this as more of an open story. I thought I'd share some of the funnier interactions I've had with customers! Please note, this is pre-plague days, and I was never good at stranger danger. This is a true story to the best of my memory, or at least in the general spirit of the story. In subsequent months/years, whenever delivery stories would come up, my manager would re-enact what I was like coming back from this particular delivery. You'll see what I mean...)

Shift: Tuesday night - Minho, Jeongin, Jisung

Jisung parked his car in front of the house he was supposed to deliver to and walked up the stairs to the front door. They were unevenly spaced, so he was extra careful to not fall, especially since there was only the front porch light to let him see the difference. He rang the doorbell and stepped back on the lower stair so the door wouldn't hit him. When the customer opened the door, he had a sword in his hand with a smile on his face. Jisung let out a small scream and ducked, protecting the food in his hands from any harm the weapon could have caused.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." He said, speaking slowly. "This is just a foam sword."

"Oh okay, I got scared."

"Hey, I forgot the tip money, do you want to step inside while I get it?"


Jisung knew he was supposed to say no, but his general lack of social experience always led him to various adventures that probably weren't the safest. He stepped into the house and looked at the cream colored walls illuminated by a light directly over his head. There were two sets of stairs, one up and one down, the latter having twice as many stairs as the former. It was clear there was a party going on, and the house smelled like what he thought was marijuana. He never tried any himself, but only knew the smell through secondhand explanations.

"What was the sword for?" He asked as the customer walked back.

"It's for the upcoming cosplaying convention downtown! My girlfriend and I are going. I'm sorry I scared you."

Jisung smiled politely. "It's fine."

The customer went on for a few minutes about who they were dressing up as. Jisung didn't really understand, but nodded along. He was the only driver that night, so he knew he shouldn't stay long, but he was always up for new social experiences.

"Hey, have you ever tried weed before?"

"No I haven't." Jisung admitted.

"We have some vapes of it, do you want some?"

Jisung shook his head. "No thank you."

"I can get you some if you want." He ignored Jisung's statement of never having tried drugs before.

"I can't have any on the clock." Jisung said truthfully, hoping that this response would be better accepted.

"Ah, okay." He suddenly realized he had kept the driver longer than he should have. "You know what, thanks for listening to me, here's $10 for your tip."

Jisung nodded to the man. "Thank you, I need to get going now."


The front door opened and Jisung carefully walked down the stairs, arms spread out to balance himself as he often did. As he was driving back, he noticed his brain had gone quiet, and he felt a bit happier than he normally did. He laughed as he looked at himself in the rear view mirror. There was no way he got a contact high after five or ten minutes. Then again, there was a lot of smoke in that house.

Jisung: *confidently walks through the door* Hello!

Minho: *looks at him confused* What's gotten into you?

Jisung: What do you mean?

Jeongin: You seem different hyung...

Jisung: I don't know, I feel good I guess.

Minho: *incredibly suspicious* What happened at that delivery?

Jisung: Well, when the door opened, the guy was holding a sword...

Jeongin: WHAT?!?!?!

Jisung: *exclaims loudly* No, it was a cosplay sword! He and his girlfriend are going to the convention next weekend downtown! He told me inside his house while I was waiting for the tip...

Minho: WHAT?!?!?! Sungie, that's such a bad idea.

Jisung: It was fine! The guy offered me some weed in a vape, but I told him I couldn't have any on the clock.

Minho: Oh, that's it...

Jisung: *confused and slightly in denial* What?

Minho: Did you get a contact high?

Jisung: I don't know, my head feels quiet and I feel happy, so maybe?

Jeongin: You definitely did, this is adorable!

Jisung: What do you know about being around drugs?

Jeongin: I'm not THAT inexperienced.

Minho: To be fair, you are acting pretty cute right now.

Jisung: *blushes* Don't I always act cute?

Minho: Yeah, but you're extra cute right now.

Jeongin: OOO WOO OOO

Minho: *face palms and shakes his head*

Jisung: *smiles at Jeongin* I'm adorable, huh? More like YOU are adorable! Let me pinch your cheeks! *proceeds to chase Jeongin around the store while the younger squeals and laughs*

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