The Disco House - 1k special

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(Well well silly little food service book got 1k reads! Neato, thanks y'all! It's time to alter the story I was too afraid to share to not put my cute little Jisungie through more scary shit than he's already been through in this series! Keep in mind my dumb ass actually went into this house...smh Nicole. Also, this is the first thing I've written in over one month. Also also, I just learned shift+enter is only one line. Guess it's time to reformat Centers of Fate with that new knowledge!)

Shift: Sunday night - Minho, Jisung

It was towards the end of the night. Quite frankly, Jisung was done with deliveries for the day. But alas, it is indeed his job to deliver, and here was another delivery taking him away from his soulmate back in the store. It's crazy to think back when he started that he would find the weirdest and goofiest love of his life, but the perfect fit for him. But here he was, months after they became official, and still as happy as ever. The whole store, but particularly Changbin, shipped them and awed at every show of affection, whether big or small.

Yes, I am forcing my "Changbin is THE Minsung president because I saw it happen at the Chicago concert" agenda into my food service book. I genuinely wish I recorded it but I only got pictures. Read all about my concert experience in my one shot book.

What fourth wall?

Anyways, he remembered where this delivery was not for the location, but for the patron who ordered. The customer was old and creepy. Think of an unattractive porn star type. Greasy and curly hair with a beer belly who thinks he's hot shit. He felt really bad for any new drivers who would come here, particularly at night. Driving past the entrance to the driveway a few times, he finally let his car roll gently down the hill towards the hidden house, which made it all the more creepy with no streetlights nearby. Using the parking brake, just to be safe, he exited the car, bag and drink in hand.

The white house had a simple white porch with two small steps that Jisung tiptoed up before he knocked on the door. He looked through the window and saw the TV on. The man quickly turned it off, but not before Jisung noticed three topless girls with large chests on the screen. Not that Jisung had anything against that type of content, if that's what you're into, it's just something he would prefer not to see on a delivery.

"Hi!" The man sounded and smelled like he had been drinking, taking a stumbled step in Jisung's direction.

"Hello, have a good night!" He tried to hand the food off to the man, but suddenly his personal space was invaded. Like space invaders?

"Hey, why don't you stay for a while?" The man asked, pulling Jisung into an one-armed hug.

Jisung needed to lie, and fast. "I have lots of deliveries left, but thank you though!" He said as genuinely and cheerfully as he could.

"I have a pretty cool lighting set-up." The man let Jisung go, grabbing his food and walking back into his house. He turned on some lights in the far back corner, and the room turned into a blue and green flashing dance floor. "Do you have a favorite song that I can match the lights to?"

Jisung knew he should go to his car, but he was frozen in terror. This man just had porn on his TV, probably on a VHS for all Jisung knew, and now he wants a handsome and irresistible young man (according to Minho at least) to enter his house while he's intoxicated.

"I think not." He mumbled to himself, slowly backing away and giving a small wave. "Have a good night!"

The man gave him a frown as he shut the door. Jisung rushed back to his car, seeing the TV flicker back on in his peripheral vision to who knows what kind of content. He didn't take the man's offer to enter his house, which was THE RIGHT THING TO DO PAST NICOLE WTF IS YOUR PROBLEM!!!!!! 


...which was the right thing to do. Shaken up, all he wanted was a hug from Minho as he backed out onto the street and made the short drive back to the store. Minho noticed, as he has a great talent for, that Jisung was uncomfortable as he came back.

"What's wrong Sungie?" He asked gingerly, abandoning his lettuce cutting task and pulling Jisung into his arms.

"That guy just..." He wiggled his shoulders in Minho's hold, wrapping his arms tightly around his waist. "He was so creepy!"

"How so?" Minho asked.

"He wanted me to come in, but he was drunk, and then he had porn on with topless girls..."
"That's really..."
But Jisung cut him off. "And he hugged me, Min. It just creeped me out."

Minho held his boyfriend tighter and rocked the boy back and forth in his arms. He didn't try to say anything else. He just wanted Jisung to feel safe and for the residual shakes to calm down. Both of them shared deep breaths as their bodies melded together and their heartbeats became even. As angry as Minho was for someone hitting on Jisung, he had to stay calm too. It was almost the end of the night anyway, so Minho let Jisung sit for a while, continuing his closing tasks for the evening. No creeper was going to make his little Jisungie feel uncomfortable and get away with it in the future, Minho thought, determined to protect his squirrel at all costs. On the other hand, Jisung knew, although Minho didn't say it directly, that his boyfriend would always defend him if he needed it. Taking a long sip of water, he smiled down into his cup, so happy to be in love and have a protecting force like Minho by his side, hopefully long after they left the comfy home Chan made for them here.

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