Who Would Avoid Channie?!?! >:( - 2k special

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(So somehow this collection of food service stories got 1k reads in a little under 3 months? How? Y'all should read my long form books that I'm proud of! This is just some attempt at food service crack. But hey, you can't choose what people like, eh? Let's put manager Seungmin through some more awkward situations, shall we? The premise is similar to what actually happened, being that the corporate person (we think) purposefully came in to train us after the GM left because him and the GM had beef, but the dialogue is yolo.)

Wednesday night: Seungmin, Jeongin, Hyunjin (Chan left about 10 minutes ago. This is semi relevant)

Jeongin: I miss Chan already...

Seungmin: Aren't you going to see him tomorrow?

Jeongin: Yeah, so?

Hyunjin: *in a sing-song voice* It's the game with lots of questions, I wonder which one's next?

JYP: *The bell rings for the door?!? It hasn't done that in months now! A man walks in and has a formal air to him* Hello, is Chris here?

Seungmin: *stands up straighter as Hyunjin snickers at another question* No, he left a little while ago. Can I take a message for you?

JYP: No, it's okay. My name is Jinyoung, and I'm here to train you on the new sandwiches.

Jeongin: *recognizes him, but just remembers him as that one corporate asshole* From corporate?

JYP: Yes, correct. 

Hyunjin: *mumbles to himself* Why not show up when Chan is here?

Seungmin: *not so subtlety kicks Hyunjin but tries to block it from JYP's view anyway* Of course sir, the aprons are in the back near the mop sink. We're a bit slow right now, so you can show us before deliveries pick up!

Hyunjin: *whispers to Seungmin as Jinyoung goes back towards the apron* What was that for?

Seungmin: Don't be rude!

JYP: *takes some of the new bread they made* Okay, so here's how you put these together and properly portion the ingredients...

--Explanations, awkward silences, crows, Chan knocking the camera away, and SHOPPING SHOPPING SHOPPING!!!! later...--

JYP: Have a good day! *dude, it sounds so fake, but he leaves anyway*

Jeongin: Oh my Minsung, why did it have to be THAT guy? 

Hyunjin: You recognized him?

Jeongin: Yeah, he's been here a few times before, and he hates Chan.

Hyunjin: Who the fuck hates Chan?!?

Jeongin: No idea, but when I've been in here before with the two of them, it gets super awkward.

Hyunjin: What did Chan ever do wrong? He does nothing wrong!

Jeongin: I think that Jinyoung thinks that Chan isn't good enough to run the store. The last time he was here, he kept giving feedback to Minho, ignoring him to the point where Chan got fed up and pointed out that he's the GM. It was shortly after Chan came back from his break.

Hyunjin: A break? I don't remember that...

Seungmin: *sighs a bit* Yeah, Chan got really stressed out and had to be out for a month for his mental health. Don't bring it up to him! *wags a finger at Hyunjin* He doesn't like to talk about it because he thinks he failed us or something.

Hyunjin: But Channie can never fail us!

Seungmin: Agreed. The store was a mess because people were in charge who didn't know shit about the delivery area or what are acceptable delivery times for certain parts of the day. It was miserable without him...

Jeongin: Which is why he's the best leader!

Seungmin: Even though he says we're the best workers...which, true, but that just makes him a humble best leader...am I right?

Hyunjin: Fuck yeah he is!

*everyone laughs and starts making some new deliveries that popped up*

SHOPPING SHOPPING SHOPPING! (Awkward Silence is a banger! See you at 3k, where Seungmin gets evaluated on his managing skills :D)

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