I never told y'all the clown story?!? - 20k reads special

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Wow, people still read this story full of shenanigans? That's so impressive. I am a writer for Minsung ficathon 4, and will have new stories(!) out once author reveals happen sometime in March. I also have an unfinished story that I will put here from offseason once I finish that. That one is currently on hold while I finish my current works. I hope you look forward to them, and I sure hope I can finish writing/editing them in time because [redacted because this is a spoiler-free house!] [Extra deleted spoiler sentence that I want to spoil but I can't!!!! GRRRRRR!] It's a lot, but it's fun! Anyway, the clown story, right...

Friday night: Changbin, Felix, Jisung

Jisung: *gets back from deliveries* What a slow night!
Felix: No kidding! 
Jisung: As least it gives you two time alone! *starts making kissing faces*
Changbin: *snickers loudly from the manager desk, but it's unclear whether it's in reference to Minsung or Changlix* You're one to talk...
Felix: AHHHHHHH!!!! *points to the window looking outside*
Jisung: *gives Felix a strange look, but turns around anyway* Felix, what are you... *notices a short person (like, taller than Changbin, but still kinda short) in a clown costume with a knife just staring into the store* AHHHHHH!!! Holy SHIT!
Changbin: What are you two on about?
Felix: C-C-Can't you s-s-see him?
Changbin: *very closely scanning the windows, and then notices* Oh man, that's creepy.
Felix: *hides behind Changbin and rubs his muscles, like he still does years after this story was first published lol* How are you not scared?
Changbin: I work out, I can beat him up.
Jisung: *hides behind Felix while the clown stares at them, waving the 'knife' in his hand* How do we know that knife isn't real?
Felix: Should we call the cops? (A/N: Y'know, great fucking question Felix...why didn't we consider calling the non-emergency line, at least, until retelling the story a few days later?!?!)

Changbin: Nah, we'll be fine...
Changbin: We have knives that are real. (A/N: This was the real rationale used. Food service, y'all!) You and Felix run towards the back and I'll handle it.
Jisung: Speaking of which, we should lock the back door! (A/N: Stream Back Door)
Felix: Good idea! *sprints to the back, almost kicking over the filled-up mop bucket, dramatically locks the back door, and then kind of cautiously walks back to notice the clown is gone* What did you do? 
Changbin: I just stared him down and he left, I guess.
Felix: *pushes Jisung out of the way and mobs Changbin* You're my hero! *kisses him on the cheek several times*
Jisung: Oh please!
Changbin: *turns around so suddenly that Felix almost loses his grip, which would have shot him straight into the cold table* Seriously? Oh please you!
Jisung: It's cute, just... *sighs as thinks about the hypocrisy of this reaction* Fine, you're right.
Changbin: Of course I'm right! I didn't lose all that money to Innie about Minsung for you to 'oh, please' me.
Jisung: *throws his hands up* Not my fault you make poor financial decisions!

So I tend to make the SKZ managers cooler than my real managers. What actually happened is I freaked out, as did the manager on duty, while the in-store person made fun of us for being scared. We didn't call the cops, or lock the door to be safe. Instead, my manager held the door open a crack and just stared the guy down. Which, in retrospect, if the knife was real, was kind of a shitty idea and was asking for trouble. The person did come back one more time before we closed iirc. I remember not only getting made fun of shortly after the incident, but also got made fun of in front of a manager from a different store that came in one night where my coworker told him the story and made me sound stupid. I'm glad those days are long behind me. If you've read this far, I'm happy to tell you that [redacted because of spoilers]. Though does that tell you enough? WHO KNOWS! 

Read my new stories coming out soonTM. -Nicole 

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