Chapter 9

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I woke up, facing my wall. Carla's alarm for me kept going as my muscles got used to waking up. I turned onto my back. I rubbed my eyes and stared at my ceiling. I reached over to get my glasses and put them on.

" I'm up, Carla," I said, turning off the alarm. I sat up and dangled my legs on the side of my bed, watching them wave in circles. I sighed and stood up. I looked out of the window and squinted at the bright light of the sun. 

Okay. Just forget about last night. 

I walked out of my room and into the kitchen, making myself breakfast. As I waited for my eggs to bake, leaving Carla in charge of telling me when they were ready, I went to change into my navy blue kimono. As I wrapped the paper-like cloth called an 'obi' around my waist, my mind went into an odd fantasy. I felt Kojiro's presence behind me and saw his reflection in the mirror. He brushed my hair back and I felt his lips being planted behind my ear. My hand trailed to my ear. My hair wasn't brushed back and Kojiro's head wasn't there. I watched as my face, ears, and neck reddened from embarrassment and fluster. 

" Sir! Mr. Sakurayashiki! The eggs are done!" Carla's voice flooded my ears and I quickly went to the kitchen. 

" Shit, Shit, Shit!" I cursed under my breath and turned the burner off. I took the eggs off the pan and set them on a plate. Only the bottom was slightly burnt. 

What the hell? My hands curled into fists as I stared at the floor. Why are you so distracted all of a sudden? People depend on you to be attentive and you're not fulfilling that! Get yourself together!

After eating, I cleaned the dishes and thought about what I should do. I decided to practice my calligraphy. As I worked, I noticed my work was getting better and like it was before my "sickness".

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