Chapter 22

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Multiple weeks went by and Kojiro was still staying with me. I was getting better and my right arm healed quicker than anything. Kojiro would leave me at home for half the day, taking a few breaks from Sia la luce to visit me and check up on me. I told him he didn't have to do that but he just replied saying that he wanted to. 

Two weeks ago, Langa had changed Adam into loving skateboarding again. Everyone was happy and Adam would leave us alone now. I was glad about that because it really annoyed me. 

I was laying on the couch, my legs laying over Kojiro's lap. We were watching a movie together, it was new and this was our first time watching it. I was a bit skeptical of it but the plot was pretty good. I felt Kojiro's hand on my leg, rubbing it in a side-to-side motion. I looked at him and saw his eyes were on the television. I looked back at the tv too and continued watching it. 

It was close to the end of the movie when I noticed that Kojiro was asleep. I smiled and reached for the remote. I turned the movie off and it was dark in the living room now. I closed my eyes and rested my head on the pillow behind me. 

-- Timeskip Brought to You By This MatchaBlossom (sort of) Slow Burn--

It was the middle of the night, I could tell, and I was laying in my bed. How did I get here? I thought to myself. I knew I fell asleep on the couch but now I was in bed. I decided not to think of it and instead fall back asleep. But I couldn't. I closed my eyes for ten minutes when I realized this. I checked the time. 5:30 AM. My eyes burned with tiredness and all I wanted to do was sleep. I turned and tried to go back to sleep. 

I eventually did-- after another hour. But I kept waking up after that hour. It was a shaky sleep and I was sleeping lightly. I would wake up from the slightest noise or by nothing at all. Once it was eight o'clock I decided to stay awake. Carla didn't even have to wake me up with her alarms. I took my phone and texted Kojiro that I was awake. He usually woke up around 9:30 so I would be here for a while. But surprisingly, he replied back quickly. 'Be there in a sec'. Now that I think of it, I do hear the water running through the pipes. 

After about five or more minutes, the water stops. I sit up in my bed and wait for him. He walks in after a couple of minutes, his hair wet and wavy from the water. Kojiro had a button-up on but the buttons weren't together, leaving his chest open. He helped me into my chair and took me to the kitchen. He made coffee for both of us and poured it into mugs when it was done brewing. 

I yawned and set the coffee on the counter. Kojiro told me he'd be back and went back to his room. I kept thinking about last night. My hand went up to my mouth, my finger and thumb rubbing over my lips as I thought. I thought about our kiss before Joe went against Langa in Adam's Tournament. I wanted to kiss him again. I didn't try to hide it this time. I knew I liked him more than what we were. I just wasn't sure how to confess those feelings. 

Kojiro came back, I noticed his hair was dryer, and half of it was pulled back in a small ponytail. I've never seen his hair like that. It was higher than the small ponytail he wore at "S". I couldn't help but stare. 

" Is it okay if breakfast is simple?" He asked, looking over at me. I quickly looked away and grabbed my coffee mug.

" It won't matter to me," I answered, sipping my coffee. 

" Alright," Kojiro said, looking through the pantry and fridge for any foods he could use to make breakfast. I tapped on the armrest with my fingernails. Then I realized something.

" Excuse me," I started. Kojiro looked at me.

" What?" He said, his eyes showing obliviousness.

" I'm still here," I said. I wanted to move somewhere else, not sit in the kitchen all morning. This stupid gorilla.

" What do you want me to do about it?" Kojiro retorted, going back to fixing up the early meal. You know exactly what to do about it. You just won't.

I took a deep breath and let it out, trying to stay calm. " Can you move me, please?" I pronounced each word slowly so he would understand me.

" Hm, maybe," Kojiro replied. I grunted.

" Please, Kojiro!" I pleaded, raising my voice. He raised his eyebrows and stopped preparing the food.

" Okay, jeez," He muttered, turning to me. " Where do you want to go?" 

" Actually, can you get my book?" I asked. He stared at me with a blank expression. Now it was his turn to take a deep breath.

" What do you want? To move or book?" Kojiro said, using his hands to explain the different ideas.

" I want my book," I told him. He sighed and walked toward my room.

" It has a green cover!" I called to him. 

" 'Kay!" He shouted back. A few seconds passed and Kojiro shouted from my room.

" I can't find it!" He shouted at me.

" Look with your eyes!" I called back. I shook my head, trying to hold back a smile. He's so dumb.

" I still can't find it!" Kojiro yelled. A couple of seconds passed and I was about to shout back when he added to his last comment. " Oh, wait, I found it." I chuckled to myself before quietly laughing when Kojiro walked in.

" What are you laughing at?" He asked, a smile at the corner of his lips, I could see. 

" You," I replied. He glared. 

" Hey, it's not my fault your dumb book was hiding," Kojiro said, setting the book on the counter. 

" It was on my nightstand!" I couldn't believe this man. He probably didn't even turn on the light.

" You could've told me that!" Joe shouted back, going back to his cooking.

" You didn't ask for it," I answered, folding my arms over my chest. He stayed quiet and shook his head, setting up the end of breakfast. 

I took my book and opened it, leaning back in my chair. After a few minutes, Kojiro set my plate next to me on the counter and walked away with his plate. I continued reading my book as I ate until I was done. My hands ran through my hair, twirling little pieces with my finger. 

Kojiro had come back and sat on the chair by the island, his phone in his hand. I glanced up at him and, just as I did, he did too. We made eye contact but I was the first to look away. I looked back at my book and realized it was the end of the chapter. I decided to close it and set it on the counter.

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