Chapter 16

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The sun had set a few hours before and an empty tray of food was sitting next to my hospital bed. I wasn't in my room, instead in the lobby, in my own Carla wheelchair. I continued to look out the window, watching the sky shift and cars pass by. I couldn't do anything else. I rubbed my eyes with my left hand continued to look out the window. There weren't many people in the lobby, especially nurses and assistants. Fujisaki was still here though, getting some paperwork done in an office somewhere. I heard footsteps coming by and looked around to where they were coming from. Speaking of Fujisaki, she walked over to me.

" It's getting late, Mr. Sakurayashiki, would you like to go back to your room?" She asked me. I looked between her and the window. 

" Not yet," I told her. " Give me thirty more minutes." She nodded and walked away. Once I knew she was fully and entirely gone, I moved my wheelchair to the door. It was a motion-activated door and it opened smoothly. I moved out of the hospital and into the cool night air. My hair waved in the wind slightly as I kept moving forward. I wanted to visit someone.

--Timeskip Brought to You by Carla the Wheelchair--

I was getting closer to Sia la luce, the restaurant owned by Kojiro Nanjo. It took a lot of time to get here but I knew my thirty minutes weren't over yet. The struggle to get the door open was something a lot more complex than I thought it would be. But I made it inside.

" Are you an idiot?" Kojiro's voice echoed slightly in the empty restaurant. " Sneaking out of the hospital late at night!" 

I shrugged and moved forward to the counter. " I'm okay. It's only a scratch," I told him. 

" You look like a mummy," Kojiro said, crossing his arms.

" These are honorable wounds, dopey gorilla," I said, tapping my fingers on the armrest. " At least I actually went against Adam."

" I would've won," He said, leaning over the counter. 

" Right," I said, sarcastically. " You lost against Langa, a rookie."

" We both know that isn't just any normal rookie." He said, pushing himself off the counter. " I feel like he'll turn out like Adam."

" You're overestimating him, Kojiro," I corrected, picking up the wine bottle that was left on the counter. " Langa wouldn't hurt some on purpose, Adam would and does so." I tried to pour the wine into my glass, only to realize it was empty. I looked up at Kojiro, giving him a look that said 'really?' " It's empty."

" That's because it was your turn to bring it," He said.

" I'm injured, you soulless pig," I reminded. 

" And I'm supposed to care?" He argued. 

I stared at him with a blank expression. He finally gave in and went to the back to get the wine. I layed my head on my arm that was resting on the counter. I wasn't planning on closing my eyes but they slowly shut on me. My head relaxed and I started to drift off to sleep. I could admit, I was pretty tired.

" Is white okay?" Kojiro's voice erupted from out of nowhere. I was convinced it was a dream and I kept my eyes shut. The muscular man walked over and sat down next to me, pouring the wine in both of our glasses. " Currently, Adam is skating alone, you know. He may be super talented and entertaining, but I can tell that he's not happy right now. That's why he ends his matches with violence. But you know, we're not alone," there was a space between what he said next. " Right, Kaoru?"

He clinked our glasses together and drank his wine. He stayed there for another five minutes as he finished his own glass and mine. Kojiro got up and closed the wine bottle, setting it aside. He looked down on me with his kind, red eyes. He gently moved some hair away from my cheek and ear, kissing my cheek.

" I've never thought of you as just a friend. You should know that," Kojiro whispered in my ear, his breath hot against my cold skin. He picked up the glasses and wine bottle with both of his hands and walked away. My eyes opened in slivers and I felt my face get hotter as I thought back on the action. 

So, what does this make us?

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