Chapter 26

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A week has gone by since the change. I would say that things have been normal but that's just not true. Yes, I've been working better and my spark has been found again. Sia la luce has been going well too. Kojiro and I have been hanging out more and I can tell he's happy with me too. 

Grey clouds formed around the sky and raindrops pitter-pattered against the walls and streets of the town. I watched the rain splash into each other and into puddles from the windows of Sia la luce. It was after hours and I was here. 

Kojiro was washing the dishes and pans. I went over to help him. I dried the dishes as he rubbed and washed them. The chore went quicker with both of us helping. There were piles on the counter now with dried, hot dishes. 

I put the plates and bowls away as Kojiro put the glasses and silverware away. I put the plates carefully away, some of them I couldn't reach. Kojiro came up behind me and helped. He moved my hair aside and kissed my neck gently. I smiled and elbowed him playfully. He went to my side as I finished putting the plates up. His hands went through my hair, taking it out of the sloppy ponytail. I glanced at him as I put the dishes away. He tucked a piece behind my ear and kissed my cheek. I smiled. 

" You are so beautiful, Kaoru," Kojiro whispered. My cheeks and neck flushed and I looked away from him. I could tell he was smiling. I knew he liked my reaction every time he complimented me. I just wasn't used to it. 

After we were done with the dishes, I went back to my seat by the window. The rain was just sprinkling now but I knew it would pour later tonight. Kojiro came over to me after a few minutes, wearing a green undershirt and a button-up over it. I picked up my bag and stood up. We walked together out of the restaurant and he closed up. I went to my car to fetch an umbrella but Kojiro grabbed my wrist. 

" Come on!" He urged and dragged me along behind him. He was running toward a park that was just a few blocks down. 

We got there and the rain was turning into more sprinkles. Nobody was at the park, it was just us. Kojiro let go and turned to me, a wide smile on his face.

" Dance with me," He asked, his hand layed out for me. I took it hesitantly and he pulled me closer to him.

" I don't know how to--"

" No problem," He interrupted. His hands guided mine and we swayed for a moment. " Just follow me." 

I looked down at our feet. I didn't want to step on him or slip. He lifted my chin up to look at him. I did. We swayed for a moment before he spun me. I wasn't expecting it and exclaimed. I laughed a bit and he smiled. I was having fun. We were having fun. 

The rain came down and started pouring. We danced around the whole park, the grass squishing under our feet. His right hand was on my waist and the other in my hand. I looked back between the ground and his eyes. The rain soaked our clothes and hair. My hair stuck to my face and I slicked it back. I couldn't stop smiling. He kissed me and I kissed him.

Honestly, I'd never think I'd find someone to love me. Yet, here I am and here he is. It took me a while to figure it out but I've got it. And I won't let him go.

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