Chapter 5

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I walked into Kojiro's restaurant, Sia la luce, although it was after hours. The green-haired man hummed behind the counter as quiet Italian music played in the speakers. His back was to me as I walked inside.

" Sorry, we're closed-" His body turned and looked at me. "-Oh, it's you." I sat down at one of the stools in front of the counter. " Have you found what's supposed to help you with your calligraphy?" 

" No," I said, my arms crossing over my chest. " I didn't go to work today." Kojiro's mouth opened in shock. 

" What? What did your staff do?" He asked. I leaned over the counter and set my arms over the counter, laying my head on them.

" I told them to take a break," I answered. Kojiro set the objects he had in his hands down, crossing his own arms over his chest.

" For how long?" He asked the next question.

" I said for a week or until I feel better. I said I was sick," I answered willingly. Kojiro chuckled and his shoulders shook as he did. His low chuckle ended up being a laugh. 

" You faked being sick?" He said, still laughing. " That's like what you did during high school when you couldn't finish an assignment." 

" I know that," I said. " But I don't know what else to do," Kojiro stopped laughing and set his hands on the counter, in front of my arms. 

" Alright, do you want some wine?" He said. I mumbled a 'yes' and he went to go get the bottle. He came back. " But you're paying me back for this one. I'm not doing two favors one after the other." I nodded and sat up. He poured both of our glasses and I went to pick up the one closest to me. 

" No, I want that one," He said, picking up the stem. I looked up at him.

" What?" I chuckled at his actions. " Is this some sort of 'Princess Bride' reference? Did you poison the wine or something?" He chuckled too and shook his head. 

" No, I just want this one," He said. 

" You are so picky," I answered, reaching for the one not as close. Kojiro picked that one up too. 

" Actually, I might want this one," He said, setting down the other one. I picked it up before he could. 

" I don't understand you," I said, laughing a bit as I sipped from the rim. Kojiro smiled and came over to my side and sat on my right. I leaned my head on my hand and looked over at him. " Do you remember that one day in the summer, when we were teenagers, and we watched all those different movies in different languages?" He smiled and I did too. We watched at least fifteen movies that summer. It was the first summer that Kojiro, Shindo, and I became friends and started hanging out.

" Yeah, it was fun," He took a drink from his glass. I sighed and took a swig from my glass. The moment became quiet and a bit awkward as we looked in different parts of the restaurant. Kojiro eventually looked over at me. Almost half the wine was gone already. 

" Your hair looks tight, Kaoru," Kojiro said, his tan hands making their way to my elastic in my hair. He took it out and set it on the counter. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. I felt his hand run through my hair before setting it behind my shoulders. His eyes were always a dark red and I guess I never realized how compassionate they are. I looked away from him and finished my wine. I put the top back on the bottle so it wouldn't spill and put my glass in the sink. 

" Thanks for talking with me, Kojiro," I said walking to the door. " I really appreciate it." I left the restaurant and walked down the pavement. 

It was late and my house was about a few blocks down but I didn't mind the walk. It gave me more time to think. Maybe he was just drunk. Maybe I'm drunk. No, I'm not drunk. I would know if I was drunk. But Kojiro... He wasn't drunk either. He has a high tolerance. I know he does. I would also know if Kojiro was drunk. My hands gripped the sleeves of my kimono. 

What is wrong with me?

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